Free MBA and Executive MBA?

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by TEKMAN, Feb 5, 2017.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Does anyone know about Smartly's Free MBA and Executive MBA? The site indicates,

    " The World’s First Elite Online MBA. If You're Accepted, It’s Free."

    But what school issues the MBA, or just from a start-up Smartly MOOC? According to their summary, it seems to be really competitive.

  2. msganti

    msganti Active Member

    From their FAQ:
    Is the MBA degree accredited? - Smartly Help Docs

  3. Odd. So after you put on your resume that you have a Harvard BA and a "Smartly" MBA? These people must be doing it for the knowledge because it totally waters down their undergrad prestige.
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I'm not knocking the school itself. Free is free - enough said. But that name! What's next, "The Rapidly Institute," where you can complete your degree at warp speed? Or perhaps "Cheaply College," for those of us willing to pay something, but not much. I think "Smartly" has earned a place in the Worst School Names thread, here:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2017
  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Hey TM,

    When are you going to complete your PhD?

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I have a choice to come back where I left off within 10 years (2022); however, it more like I am not able to because of heavily residencies and I a full-time single dad with two little kids. I am thinking about applying for Dakota State University's for Doctor of Science in Cyber Security, but what is the ROI? I just hope one day my company offers me a full funded tuition one of the top MBA program. As of for now, I just focus on the kids, my job, and my starting up consulting business.
  7. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    "I just focus on the kids, my job, and my starting up consulting business."

    I know you are a good single dad! You have your priorities straight!

    Take care brother
  8. Jahaza

    Jahaza Active Member

    I did the preview courses last year and have just finished applying for the admission round that ends 03/25/18. The preview classes were fun, I learned some stuff, and I did them mostly on the train to and from work. I figure I can always leave the thing off my resume for jobs and learn what I learn. It's no better or worse than non-credit MOOC courses as far as I can tell. OTOH, if it gets legitimacy then I'll have gotten in on the ground floor.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  9. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    It does seem to have a license to operate as a degree-granting postsecondary institution in the District of Columbia. See p.12 of the listing here:

    There are lots of opinions pro and con, here

    Given that it's free and seems to be operating legally, I don't see any harm in enrolling in it for personal interest reasons. But I'd want it to acquire accreditation and/or some kind of academic reputation, before I'd use its MBA on a job application.
    Jahaza likes this.
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    True enough. This thing is absolutely unproven. However, the price is right. :D

    One obvious question is utility in job search, and you're right - it's minimal as of now. However - however! - this thing have its own little game on this exact front. is a startup recruiting agency. If they can sign up employer clients, it is free to factor in its own MBA when ranking candidates it presents to said employers. Sort of like aptitude tests, on steroids. Considering that they claim to have stringent admissions criteria, this might even work.

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