What a world we live in...Segregated Dorm For Black People!

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by b4cz28, May 12, 2017.

  1. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Well, when you have a two party duopoly, and the Republicans are perfectly comfortable supporting guys like Jeff Sessions, it's tough to blame black Americans for overwhelmingly supporting the other major party so long as it at least pays lip service to them.
  2. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Didn't you advocate for less diversity in the other thread?

    Yes, we really only have two parties to choose from since the Republicans and Democrats have made it nearly impossible for third party and independent candidates to win in any meaningful numbers. There used to be more black people voting for Republicans, but the party has become less and less appealing to black people over time. Currently, more and more white nationalists are finding the Republican party to be the most appealing. People forget about what led to the violence and higher incarceration rates in the 1990s. In the 1980s, the federal government turned a blind eye to Nicaragua supplying the cocaine that fueled the crack epidemic because it funded the anti-Communist fighters the U.S. had sided with. John Ehrlichman, a former Nixon staffer, admitted that the drug war was started to go after hippies and black people. Nixon got 32% of the black vote.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2017
  3. TomE

    TomE New Member

    This should be an interesting experience and experiment as it will prepare participating students for post-university life and employment where they will surely have access to segregated facilities and the ability to surround themselves solely with similarly-thinking people...


    On a related note, shouldn't the term be "Black-identified" (as opposed to the non-proper "black-identified")?
  4. ThePatriotHistoria

    ThePatriotHistoria New Member

    Everyone needs to relax on this silliness. Do you really believe those hecklers want ALL Chinese people to leave the country? Or is it more likely they just hate him and are acting like idiots? I would never tell former(thank God) President Obama to go back to Kenya. But I'd buy that man a one way ticket in a heart beat just to get him away from Executive Orders. There will only be racism so long as people actually get affected by it. The second people don't get distracted by racial slurs you will see it disappear as it no longer affects. The same thing for employment, service, etc. The only way to move past racism, is to well... move past it. Someone has to be the bigger person... It won't be the racist so it better be you, no?
  5. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    That's good since he's not from Kenya.
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Yes, some of them want exactly that.
  7. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Wait, I thought that Jeff Sessions stuff was all a lie crated by a political opponent that was running against him?

    Unless your talking about the KKK joke?
  8. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Her. And, btw, no: Ms. Chow had relatively low negatives, and her husband Jack Leyton didn't face this kind of heckling - despite leading the "socialist" party for many years. He even earned praise from Harper ffs. And it is "them" who chose that particular smear, so I would not hesitate to label "them"... what's the term? ah - deplorable. Here you go.

    Remember, this all happens in the supposedly "post racial" Toronto. Another data point would be the abuse towards a female Somali-Canadian council candidate right next to my riding... "they" had no way hating her personally, as she was a complete unknown. So I find it hard believing the contention that race-based slurs were NEVER heard on campus of large American university - my null hypothesis would be exact opposite, in fact. Which does not mean there's pervasive racism, or necessarily justifies designating a dorm in a way easily mocked as "segregation", but at least it warrants more discussion.

    But you do not hesitate to help spreading the contention that he's from Kenya. Good job undermining your point. Oh, and complains about Executive Orders sound ridiculous now, don't they?

    It doesn't work this way. And good job blaming the victim. You are the part of the problem.
  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yesssss, "black voters" are to blame for the GOP having no Black support... do you hear yourself when saying things like that?

    Getting votes to get elected (to get "political benefits" - and by extension, financial) - is what any politician is supposed to do, and a measure of their success at politics. You almost have to have the last name "Clinton" for people to use it as an accusation. Typical.

    Pity they do not have your amazing insight on whom to support, right? Can you be any more patronizing?
  11. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

  12. TomE

    TomE New Member

    Says guy online who admonishes voters worldwide for not voting the way he would like them to. Can this be more ironic?
  13. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    I guess that'll do if you can't refute anything I say.
  14. TomE

    TomE New Member

    Perhaps, but I'm sure that those disenfranchised Ukrainian and Hungarian voters are still waiting for your guidance. Please don't waste any more valuable time addressing me!
  15. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Haha that was brutal.
  16. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Would be if it made any sense; I don't think Tom knows what "disenfranchised" mean.
    Oh BTW, I AM a Ukrainian voter, and I think your complaints about the establishment are cute.

    But enough about me. How's the news lately? Tired of all the winning yet?
  17. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  18. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Tucker Carlson interviewed a Lisa Durden of BLM about an all black Memorial Day picnic: 'Hostile, Separatist and Crazy': Tucker Battles Supporter of 'Blacks-Only' Memorial Day Party | Fox News Insider

    I doubt that I would agree with Durden about much of anything but I didn't agree with Carlson arguing against the segregated picnic. Why not? Because the segregating was voluntary, not coerced.

    We constantly segregate by income, education, professional commonality, shared interests and by race, religion and all of that stuff. We segregate by participating in this forum to the exclusion of other special interest forums. Another term for this is discrimination, a too disparaged term.

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