How can I earn quick easy college credit?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by avia93, Oct 14, 2002.

  1. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Which tests did you take?

    People are different. Personally, I beleive I would not have any trouble with say "College Algebra" CLEP even right out of high school (and probably during most of the "high school" as well), but I can see how people can need an extensive learning in the equivalent class. The same might be true for you and tests you took. Then again, there are some very easy classes in most schools.
  2. carlosamador

    carlosamador New Member

    Hello thanks for the prompt reply. Here is my senario. I wish I had to take a clep exam for Algebra. I was always good at math. I have to take the following clep exams in order to get my AA. I am doing this mostly to be the first college graduate from my family then its on to Excelsior to work towards my BS (though I am toying with the idea of working on a Liberal Arts Degree so that I could get a Second BS)and then on to my masters. I need to take the following clep exams: Comp w/essay - I am ok in English, Gen Bi/Chem/NS - not sure which would be easiest science test to fill this requirement, American History I, American Gov, and Analyzing Int Lit. I have ordered the General Clep Guide along with Cracking the Clep and waiting for them to arrive in the mail. Also I am considering going with Intrasect (something like that). Just wondering what the easiest test would be to get me off on the right foot. From the Bain4weeks website Information Systems and Computer Appl appears to be the simplest exam. and requires no study, what do you think I should take as my first exam. I thought about taking Algebra but wanted to at least test on something I can later get credit for. What are your thoughts on this?
  3. Sindaena

    Sindaena New Member

    I am not the poster originally asked this, but I too have found the CLEPs and the DANTES I took considerable easier than the finals I had in college over 12 years ago and also easier than the AP exams I took the year before that. I have taken Am. History I and Microeconomics and scoreed 80 on both, and Ed.Psych and Human Growth and Development both scored 78, and the DSST Foundations of Education on which I scored 80. I did study for these tests, but not to the equivalent of 45 hours of clsses plus homework and thought the tests were easy compared to what I had experienced in final exams in traditional college. Interestingly, the AP exams, which are accepted more places and made by the same people, are definitely much harder (or were back in 1991).

    I have read the norming data, and don't doubt it's accuracy, but...

    Just my rambling 2 cents on the subject.

  4. Myoptimism

    Myoptimism New Member

    Regarding level of difficulty, norming data, personal observations, and a little black magic.

    Could be...
    Big differences in the level of rigor amongst schools.
    Individual intellectual changes (for the better) because of experience and collected knowledge.
    Individual strengths and weaknesses concerning test type.
    Easier (in general or for the individual) subject matter.
    ...and so on.

    I suppose there could also be irregularities with the norming process, but, considering the vast number of schools who accept these tests, I highly doubt it.

    My vote goes for all of the above, with an overweight emphasis on differences in the level of rigor.


    P.S. I know it is an old thread, but I can't resist. :)
  5. backtoschoolnow

    backtoschoolnow New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How can I earn quick easy college credit?

    Maybe the problem here is that the original poster did not ask for any advice regarding the "best" way. A question was asked and a different question was answered.

    Andy - your postings sound like an overbearing parent who wants to tell their child what to do instead of ask what the child wants to do.

    When did your definition of "best" become THE definition of "best"?

    Just my 2cents.

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