It finally happened to me - interviewer told me they don't hire online degree holders

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by apriltrainer, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    For the win.:drillsergeant:
  2. apriltrainer

    apriltrainer New Member

    no..these are their courses

    My boyfriend graduated from one of the Ivies- Penn, and also works with U of C, and he said he has met more elitist a$$holes here than he ever met at Penn.
  3. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Okay, it's one of those schools with its nose up in the air. Figures. Yeah, those places are absolutely filled with elitists who think their stuff doesn't stink.
  4. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    "Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart."

  5. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    I'm confident that if we end up in a post-apocalyptic (Mad Max-style) world the survivors of some of these schools will still band together and mock people who attended community colleges.

    Assholes and cockroaches are the only two things that will survive the nuclear fallout.
  6. RAM PhD

    RAM PhD Member

    The interviewer clearly did not understand the nuances of DL.
  7. MNBrant

    MNBrant New Member

    I had an experience with B&M school once. I would say that I took about half the classes online, most you just read out of the book, did discussions, wrote papers, and/or took some tests. The difference between the online class and the B&M class was the ridiculousness of the final. I believe in my first online class the final was about 160+ questions that you has something like 2.5 hours to complete. I don't know, but am guessing that you practically had to cheat to get a good grade on it. (I got an A). So... I also got an A from a B&M class in accounting at the same time. I am guessing there were like 25+ questions and an hour to do it. What did I learn from both classes? Well the first class I learned how to (use technique). The second class was in the evening so I just studied for like 6+ hours or so the day of the test that day. What do I remember from the online class compared to the B&M class. Not so much. To be fair I did put a fair bit of time into both classes so probably, I earned those A's.

    Oh yeah dumb interviewer questions. 1. I told the interviewer that I could only work certain days so could you just save me some time and tell me what those hours are? Two hours later I wowed the interviewer and she offered me the job on the spot. Ok, what are the hours then. Yeah... I couldn't work them. I am guessing that HR people work by the hour and need those bodies to fill the shift. Op, if I were you, I wouldn't feel so special, you were probably interviewed so the HR person could get her 40 in. You really screwed her by walking out probably.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  8. MNBrant

    MNBrant New Member

    Also, be proud of your service but try not to buy into the we love our vets hype that you see in the media. I am a vet and had a terrible time getting a job after getting out. I did work in a mail room with another vet and no, I did not feel the love that you seek there. In fact they probably viewed us as a little backward socially and possibly prone to violence. As another poster in this thread has noted, you might not get love from fellow vets, there are a lot of vets who are skeptics out there that might challenge your claim to veteranhood. Even I (always get my vet status challenged, especially from vets who think they know it all) Anyways don't let it get you down it can only get better.
  9. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Whenever a speaker asks "anyone who served in the military" in an audience to raise their hands or to stand (for praise and recognition), I never do. I hate it when they ask anyone who served to do that. I am grateful to have served, but way deep down, I do not consider myself a "vet." Vets are those who didn't come back alive or who returned damaged or who served for a full career. My father died in the military. He was a vet. My step-father served for 36 years. He's a vet. My bunk mate died while driving over a land mine. Why him and not me? He's a vet. They are the ones who deserve formal recognition -- not me. I was just given the opportunity to serve -- and I returned unharmed and whole. That's it.
  10. Saleemah

    Saleemah New Member

    That interviewer was ignorant, and since you don't know how she got that job, you are better off not there. Stay positive.
  11. apriltrainer

    apriltrainer New Member

    That wasn't my problem . It wasn't my time in the Army they were questioning. It was Excelsior. I am now glad I saw the true face of that workplace. I would hate a workplace filled with a den of vipers. Blessing in disguise.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  12. MNBrant

    MNBrant New Member

    They can't tell you that their not hiring you because you were Army, that's illegal. If you stuck around, you probably would have been hired for diversity reasons but, they were just letting you know that you were a marginal hire so you wouldn't get your hopes of moving up too much. This is just conjecture on my part.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  13. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

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