Patten University Sale?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by patrickm213, May 23, 2015.

  1. patrickm213

    patrickm213 New Member

    Sorry, pretty much ignored this thread after it was flooded with nonsense.

    I called yesterday. Register by tomorrow and it is $199 a month for a year.

    I think I will do it. Just need to decide between leadership or psychology(both with concentration in criminal justice).
  2. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    If you're soliciting opinions, here's mine:

    I think it is great that so many schools are offering programs in leadership. But I have also spoken about how they are the sort of thing that might enhance an existing career more than helping a person start off on a path to leadership. I also think that degrees in leadership are best suited for graduate study. Nobody is going to argue with a B.A. in Psychology. It's a solid degree. Want to go on to grad school? Easy day. Want to work in sales? Makes sense. Want to work in HR? We have tons of psych majors. People, at this stage of the game, generally know what psychology is even if they don't fully understand the discipline itself.

    Leadership, as an area of study, is less common. I would even posit that because so many of the leadership degree programs are new it is likely to be misunderstood by the masses much more than a B.A. in Psych. One of my former classmates from the University of Scranton went on to become a Logician. Her Masters degree is in Logic and Rhetoric. She took a break between her M.A. and her Ph.D. And she went out job searching. She said that people constantly made comments which strongly implied that they thought "Logic" and "Common Sense" were interchangeable. They aren't. But people aren't used to seeing degrees in "logic" so it messes with peoples' heads.

    Leadership degrees aren't so common. And I can imagine someone misunderstanding what the study of leadership involves much like they may not understand what the study of logic involves. I also think that the Psych degree gives you some pretty exciting options for continued study.

    M.A. Leadership M.A. Psychology M.B.A.
    B.A. Psychology B.A. Psychology B.A. Psychology

    I dunno, I just like the way it looks, personally. Then again, I'm incredibly biased as I started out as a psych major before selling my soul to the HR demons.
  3. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Thanks. Does this price apply for both undergraduate and graduate programs?
  4. patrickm213

    patrickm213 New Member

    Thank you! This was kind of the way I was thinking. I doubt I would pursue anything in the social work or psych field, but I feel like the psych degree at least offers more options whereas the leadership degree seems rather generic.
  5. patrickm213

    patrickm213 New Member

    I only asked about the undergrad, sorry.
  6. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    So, I got in touch with one of the Patten Univ. reps. Here's the deal - sign up between now and this sunday (5/31) and begin your studies in June and receive the following tuition "scholarship":

    Undergrad - $199/month for 12 months (then goes back up to $350/month)
    Graduate - $349/month for 12 months (then goes back up to $520/month)

    I asked how long the average student takes to complete the MBA and the response was 15 months, with 8 months being the fastest time to completion thus far.

    Not a bad deal for an MBA - I just wish I was more excited about pursuing one. It would probably help me in my career but I just zero passion for accounting or finance.

    Anyway, it is a good deal for an RA degree.
  7. featherz

    featherz New Member

    I looked at Patten before returning to WGU for my MBA. I was just used to the WGU method of doing things and was able to complete my MBA in exactly three months - I doubt I could have done that at Patten (maybe it's technically possible, but I don't know their system at all). Plus Patten wanted a pre-req of an econ class.

    My WGU MBA cost me $3400 and I am happy with the education I received. Not sure if it will be well received by employers, but it was more of a bucket list item than a job aid. :)

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