Low cost paralegal program online accredited

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by specialneeds, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    I like liberal arts/general studies. I don't think sociology/criminal justice/history are bad choices either. The case could be made for a general business degree. I think I would just keep the degree geared towards your interests. The COSC Paralegal degree is a liberal studies option.

    The CC might have cut you off do to earning the degree, the AA/AS is the highest degree that a CC grants.

    I bet you are still eligible for aid unless you have around 180 credits. That would be 1.5 times the norm for a bachelors. Even then I suspect you could appeal and receive F/A.
  2. specialneeds

    specialneeds New Member

    How easy is it to get a position at an entry level with only a degree? I have looked on the internet and noticed people saying it is very difficult to get a job even with experience because of the competition. I hope to find an internship somewhere in our town. We live in a town of about 25,000 people that is close to the Minnesota border.


  3. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    I don't think there is any doubt that Paralegal is a tough field right now. There are reports all over of a glut of Lawyers being minted into the field annually. Many of them are reportedly stepping down to Paralegal work. I think you will have to hustle to find a position right now if your not already lined up with a potential job.
  4. Standard ops really...it's about who you know. If you get a an early jump on things then you should be fine. Early jump as in...right now. If I were you I would start targeting places I want to work at. See if they do internships. If you have the time and are able to still put food on the table then maybe you could even volunteer at a couple of places.

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