10 Tricky Job Interview Questions

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Kizmet, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. friendorfoe

    friendorfoe Active Member

    Funny how more and more job advice columns and books advise subtle deception. It's sad that the employment game has become a superficial world of cloak and dagger but these are the times and realities in which we live. I recently read a blog written by a book author on getting hired no matter what...throwing personal ethics to the wind with the logic of "it's hard to have integrity when you're hungry" and further justifying it saying everyone including employers lie, if you're the only honest person in the market you're at a huge disadvantage. I hate to say the guy had a compelling argument even if he was wrong (in the moral sense if not the pragmatic sense).
  3. Wisemon101

    Wisemon101 New Member

    This is a really helpful link - Thank you! I know a lot of people currently looking for jobs and having difficulty getting hired. Perhaps these questions might help them out? Thanks again, Have a great one!
  4. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    I have interviewed people over the phone that were posing as the actual person applying for the job. You can tell when you call the number, which is supposed to be in Atlanta, GA, and it takes a really long time to connect. The fellow who answers has a posh British accent but is obviously from India. He does exceptionally well on the interview, but at the conclusion of the call asks if a face to face interview is required. I tell him yes, it is absolutely required but don't worry you have done quite well. He basically hangs up.
    There is a scam at work here. I know because coworkers of mine have told me exactly how it works. People with great technical skills and English skills do interviews for those who do not have them.
  5. BananRama

    BananRama New Member

    This is really helpful. My sister is about to give a job interview and hopefully it will help her.

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