The most asked question (aka which MBA?)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by dps, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. emmzee

    emmzee New Member

  2. dps

    dps New Member

    Hi emmzee and thanks for the tip. I think that teaching is not really my cup of tea especially with classes that don't behave on their own. I am looking for the best value for money MBA to advance my career. BTW shouldn't one have a DBA to teach?
  3. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    I was in your shoes not too long ago. In hindsight, after going through the process of finding a program, then actually completing one, I think the decision ultimately depends on why you want to do an MBA in the first place.

    If you are pretty set in your career and need an MBA to move up, or just interested in learning the skills rather than impressing people with a name, Heriot-Watt is a perfect fit.

    If you are unemployed, thinking about changing careers, or in the "I'm not sure what I want to do later in life" category, you will be much better served with a program that has a cohort system, and is high in the magazine rankings, like Henley.
  4. Dave C.

    Dave C. New Member


    Your question is a good one to ask, but one that only you can answer accurately. You are essentially questioning whether there is sufficient extra value (beyond name-recognition) when spending £5K+ more on a Warwick/Henley MBA over HW...?

    Let me first say that those three Universities (for Henley read also Reading) are excellent and will offer a rigorous learning experience. HW is certainly one of the best Universities in the UK, although perhaps more associated with engineering than business. But compared to the other two its MBA is very, very different. Is one style better than the other? Probably not. People choose one or the other based on personal preferences and circumstances.

    I can best speak to my own experience. I am a terrible procrastinator and did not believe I had the discipline to study in essential isolation using the HW method. I need/needed the ongoing interaction of fellow students and faculty to push me along. This has been borne out in my experience, I have had 3 job changes and am on the second child during the MBA. I don't think I would have stuck it out had I been studying the HW way. Edowave obviously has more discipline and managed fine, and his advocacy would suggest he found the HW method rewarding and worthwhile.

    I also wanted the opportunity to apply the learning to my company. The Henley assignments allow you to do just that, and each year the marks you get in these assignments go towards your final grading, rather than you just being judged on the performance of one exam. It should also be pointed out that these assignments gave me some fantastic exposure within the organisation, right up to officer level.

    I have also made some fantastic friends/contacts through the interactive learning experience, people I will stay in touch with always.

    One caveat is that unlike Henley and Warwick HW is not accredited by a 3rd-party agency such as AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB. Is this important? To some people, yes. Not sure whether it is to you, but something you should be aware of.

    You are doing the right thing in studying the course structure, content and delivery deeper. Pain over your decision and get it right, even drill down to the elective choices offered.

    Edowave and I are naturally advocating our schools but are essentially offering you the same advice. There are different options available, do your research well and pick the one that suits you best, and the one that will offer you the best chance of completion as well as the end-result.

    Happy to continue dialoguing,

    Dave C.
  5. dps

    dps New Member

    Hi edowave and Dave

    I think both of you gave me really good advice on how to answer the questions why an MBA and what kind of MBA in pragmatic terms and not wish lists. I am going through the programme structures of the 3 MBAs. I put together an excel sheet with the titles of the programmes to see how they look. Surprisingly, HW and Warwick are quite similar while the grouping oh Henley makes it different and also makes sense. I am not sure if they are that different, I mean if you go through the explanations the content is very similar, only Henley's titles are nicely elaborated and grouped better. What I still cannot figure out is how many exams there are to the Warwick programme. For Henley it's clear it's 3 exams. So all in all, I will apply to Henley too, what I am not sure about is how strict they are with the prior managerial experience. I have been working as a freelancer and entrepreneur for many years as well as early in my career in my family's company, but I am not sure how to show this experience.
  6. dps

    dps New Member

    Another question: I've seen that both Warwick and Henley put a lot of weight into personal and career development, seemingly even throughout the course of the studies. So my question is how this could help with finding a new job. I am thinking to move to the UK for a few years, which could make it easier with the MBA as well, and therefore if I can get access to opportunities through such channels that would be great.

    Thanks again!
  7. Dave C.

    Dave C. New Member


    For the distance learning option Henley is actually not as difficult to get into as you might think. If you are a marginal case they will (or certainly used to) sign you up to the 'Diploma in Management'. This is basically the first two years of the MBA. If you pass everything you can automatically move over to part 3 and gain the full MBA. They have recently changed the course structure so check this options is still there.

    Make sure you have good referees and and a strong application and you should do fine. Send me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll send you my application if I can dig it up!

    As for seeking a new job, probably half my group (including me) changed jobs during the course. It's not just the networking, it's as much about the increased confidence you have and this new portfolio of skills you want to apply!

    All the best,

    Dave C.

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