MBA Prerequisite question.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by TEKMAN, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. xygirl

    xygirl New Member


    Sorry to jump in, but I'd like to know what the main difference is between Ms and MBA.
    Say, for instance, you want to enter a multi-national and enjoy consultancy, leadership, entrepreneurship.
    Wouldn't an MBA look better ?
    Is MBA harder than Ms in any way? because MBA has more pre-requisites.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Well, I don't have a good explanation; but just want to throw my thoughts. The MBA is more into business such as lot of business prerequisite, business core, then specialize in Management. The MS/MA just require only the specialization.

    If a Master is my last degree; then I would go for MBA. Since, I want to continue for another Master or Ph.D; therefore, I choose Master of Science in Management for now.
  3. xygirl

    xygirl New Member

    I see,

    Well, it will be my last degree in short term, but if ever I get the chance to continue to phD, I will.
    First I need a good job and wonder if either give good opportunities and are well or equally regarded by multi-nationals.

    Also, would Ms be different in difficulty level compared to MBA? For example, more mathematical?


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