How many posts, Chip, Dr B, Master Tom?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Ulrich Bozzo, Mar 16, 2001.

  1. Ulrich Bozzo

    Ulrich Bozzo New Member

    I dream of one day becoming a full member of

    How many posts are needed ?

    Do these privileged persons receive a tie-pin ?

    Thank you.

  2. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    It's a long road, Ulrich; first there's the initiation rite involving the sweat lodge. Then there's the 3 year internship. Finally, a capstone project of 125,000 words is required.

    Fortunately, I was able to successfully test out of these requirements on the basis of a few inexpensive multiple-choice exams.


    Tom Head
  3. Lawrie Miller

    Lawrie Miller New Member

  4. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    There is some modest number of posts, Ulrich, and the status automatically changes. Ten, perhaps? Not sure.

    Sorry, there is no tie pin available, but we'll be glad to send you a pie tin.

    John Bear
  5. SPorter

    SPorter New Member

    The magic number is 15, but only if they are of sufficient quality.

  6. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    And only if, while posting those 15 times, you click your heels three times and chant, "There's no place like Rome, There's no place like Rome, There's no place like Rome."

    Rome, for those in the know, is where the ultra-secret international headquarters for the Gang of Six Enterprises, LLC is located.

    Tom Nixon
  7. Dan Snelson

    Dan Snelson New Member

    Or as Rockefeller answered when asked "how much money is enough?" JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE. [​IMG]
  8. mamorse

    mamorse New Member

    What about "prestigious non-quality" posts?
  9. Dan Snelson

    Dan Snelson New Member

    Oh, sorry no. please pick up your parting gifts at the door.

    (who seems to have had a good mid term AFTER the proctor FOUND IT!) [​IMG]
  10. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Hi, Ulrich.

    I believe the (somewhat arbitrary) number of posts for "full status" is 15.

    It's a default feature of the board, and one that I don't really consider to have any meaning.
  11. thomas

    thomas New Member

    What about extra points for the discovery
    of schools that aren't listed in Bears'
    14th edition such as Oxbridge University?
    Seems no one knew about this school.

    What about extra points for the discovery
    of new schools that aren't listed in Bears'
    14th Edition? How may post does that count
    for? Such as the discovery of Oxbridge

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