Ansted University Faculty???

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by davidhume, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. davidhume

    davidhume New Member

    Looking at the faculty listed for Ansted University, I was most impressed. they seem to have some very well credentialed academics working as adjunct faculty.

    So I chose one faculty member at random, did a google search to find where that faculty member was working and send him an email asking him if he could confirm if he is an adjunct faculty member of Ansted.

    He replied within 24 hours saying he is NOT!!!!

    I now wonder how many actually are!!
  2. Xtra

    Xtra New Member

    This is just like what happen to Preston University that the adjunct faculty not even know their name was appear in the site.
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    This is known tactics that fake accrediting agencies use.

    They list many fully accredited and recognized well known universities and plug in their diploma mills somwere in between.
    Most universities have no idea that they are listed and accredited by fake or unrecognized entity.

    maybe the professor is involved ?

  4. Xtra

    Xtra New Member

    Yes. I think if we dig further more the more ugly matter will float up. Roger Haw had claimed as Founder of the university. How old is this guy.... See from the site I guess is about 35-40 years old. Can he become the founder of a university. Yes, is easy just incorpoarte the university either in US or carebean sea.


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