interview with the French Minister of Education, Claude Allègre

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Lerner, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    No all people see is that you are insensitive and insulting.
    No human being will be making jokes like that.

    If you don't see what you did wrong then you have a serious problem and a form of social disorder (DSM).

    Even UJ that defends all of your posts didn't touch this one.

    Shame on you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2005
  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member


    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Baton Rouge, LA.
    Posts: 47
    Re: Re: Katrina - not 100s, 1000s dead? A fearsome report

    Originally posted by DesElms
    Are there any spammers among 'em, by any chance?

    Oh, alright. I'll stop.

    If this is some sort of humor on your part then I feel sorry for you. You have NO CLUE what we are going through over here right now. I have been in Law Enforcement for 10 years and have never seen so much misery and destruction in the U.S. as I have seen in New Orleans. It's been about a week since I checked these forums and expected to find some Katrina posts and let the guys on this board know what we are going through and thanks them for the responses. I am trying to find glimmers of hope in this disaster we are going through down here just like most of us here, but even with your few words posted you have show the insensitivity that is common with someone that has no clue. I HOPE and PRAY that you never have an experience even remotely close to this, but if you do I hope that people come to your aid instead of making comments such as yours on message boards. If any of you guys want to help please contact the Red Cross, or dial 1800 Help-Now. I am exhausted and was just trying to catch up on what was going on in the forums and I am delirious from lack of sleep. Thanks for the prayers of support...I am off to bed...
  3. DesElms

    DesElms New Member


    Before you make an even bigger fool of yourself, you should probably go read this post.
  4. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member


    Either I am confused or things are not what you suggest. You say you have not visited DI in a week but yet there are posts from you from a couple of days ago?!
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    You keep running into your own lies. Another Ops?
  6. JamesK

    JamesK New Member

    Learner was just quoting another post by "soupbone" in this thread .
  7. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Yep, I think you are right. Wow, tough to read posts suck. Plus that makes the post totally inappropriate. Come on "Lerner" .
  8. Alan Contreras

    Alan Contreras New Member

    Anyone who needs information about what is and is not a genuine current French statement can simply contact a French consulate and ask them, or work with an evaluation firm such as ECE of Wisconsin, AACRAO, or other NACES members. The web is hardly the prime source.
  9. jon porter

    jon porter New Member

    According to this (undated) page (here), he still is. But if you click the blue box in the left-hand corner to go to the home page, you learn that in fact this chap is the minister of education.

    Au reviour!

  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Thanks James, I've "lerned" my lesson. Don't try to make sense out of Lerner's posts.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member


    In this case this was a web site of WES.
    WES is NACES member ans very respected Credential Evaluation Agency.

    Well they are also evaluators of my credentials.

  12. Peaceforall

    Peaceforall member

    Allegre is not a "Ministre" for a long time.

    Here is again the boring Swiss guy, who want the facts straight. It is not a coincidece that we are the best Watchmakers.

    Claude Allegre was a socialist Minister of National Education under the Gouvernment of Lionel Jospin. While Communist ministers were in the government, he took a courageous attitude against the Unions and the" Education Nationale" as a whole.

    He was famous for his phrase "I will trim the Mamoth" (je vais dégraisser le Mamouth in French).

    On March 27, 2000, he was forced to give his resignation and was a "ministre" for less than 3 years. He is no more in politics and the Socialist party is in the opposition.

    If you want to mix French politics & Education, Nicolas Sarkozy, the future candidate to the presidency ( right ) and leader in the polls, presented today a program that promotes the private French Universities.

    Regards from le Lac de Genève

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