TUI says they are WASC Accredited

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Han, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. aa4nu

    aa4nu Member


    You must be having ONE BAD week from the
    manner in which you are conducting yourself
    in/on a public forum.

    The public PhD link has been posted, the facts are there,

    You can assume and guess until you are 100 % DL tired. B-)

    Now as to YOU defaulting into the name calling, sly comments,
    and negative phrases that you are using in your responses.

    That's so very sad for any school's student to behave, much
    less from one who is at the PhD level of educational studies.

    May your week go better, MUCH better!

    TUI remains 100 % RA, is now 100% under the supervision
    of WASC, and ... their PhD program remains 100% DL.

    Not much else new to discuss anymore on this topic.

    Billy ... <<< the real name I sign my posts with.
  2. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    It is to laugh...

    to see how dave and aa4 have the nerve to accuse anyone of immaturity. You constantly tell ME what I said but have yet to post any proof that I actually said it. You two wonders need to go away and grow up before you come out and play with the big kids. You have run rough shod over people with your mindless arguments for long enough and I for one am sick of it and you. Also, before you continue to repeat something everybody on here knows already (that TUI is WASC accredited) go try to find out the answer to what the real topic of debate is (here it is in simple language for you):


    When you two, or even one of you, have a definitive answer to that question come back and tell us. I am sure there are people who really want to know and I for one hope they get their answer. Until then, shut your yap and let the adults talk.....
  3. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    By the way, DAVE....

    You have had all day to post some proof of this matter of public record. Where is it Dave? Can't find it can you. Guess you must be full of something unmentionable. You and your little stooge AA4NU better come up with some proof before you accuse someone of saying something. Until then, your arguments are naught but thin air. BTW, I am not your friend........
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2005
  4. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Hey Billy,

    Yes, there certainly have been no changes for those of us currently in the program. We'll see if anything else changes. See you over in the Yahoo! Group...

    Best wishes,

  5. aa4nu

    aa4nu Member



    You can call TUI, at 1-800-375-9878 and YOU ask them.
    The call is free ... and then YOU can educate ALL of us!

    The burden of proof now lies in your court and you won't
    have to post any more of your assumptions or guesses.

    The rest of your latest posting is at best, a sad reflection of
    of how you really conduct yourself with others in public.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Han

    Han New Member

  7. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    To those who want to know...

    I bothered to call and was told by the representative at TUI that the oral comp and dissertation defense may be done via teleconferencing. I guess that my "guess" that Touro could require visits may actually be wrong. Wow, I am so crushed.

    No, I am not apologizing because despite you two's repeated assertions I never said that TUI would not get accreditation or that they would definately require a visit. I hazarded a guess that it would be an easy way for them to get out of their trouble with MSACS. That is what adults do in the middle of reasoned debate. They debate alternatives and make reasoned guesses. I have even bothered to post proof that is what I said and am still waiting with bated breath for either of you to post anything proving the opposite. However, reasoned debate is obviously not a strength for either of you.

    Let me be blunt, as an alumnus of TUI I am embarrassed to have to say that the two of you attend the school I graduated from. It makes me and TUI look bad. You vapidly attack anyone who dares discuss possible issues with TUI in any reasoned manner. Guess what, discussions of what was wrong with TUI's programs, by members of TUI's administration is what got them to this point. You two would probably still be arguing with MSACS that nothing was wrong and I would now be a graduate of an unaccredited school. If you had half a brain you would realize that for me (an actual graduate of TUI) the absolute worst thing that could have happened was for them to lose accreditation. I would have to spend the rest of my life defending my degree? Just what common sense is it that leads you to think I would want that? It doesn't pass the common sense test for anyone but you two. Give me a very big break!
  8. defii

    defii New Member

    Back to the Real Subject

    Why has a healthy discussion started by Han devolved into spewing venom? It is irrelevant to me as a now enrolled student of Touro University International who is wrong or right on this matter. All that matters is that the University has secured its accreditation (or transfer of accreditation).

    Does that mean that there will be changes? I would imagine so. Accreditors almost always require some change. And if a face to face meeting is required, is that really material to the quality of the education and the utility of the degree?

    Now then, perhaps we should all play nice and just wait for the changes. Let's just cool the rhetoric.
  9. Han

    Han New Member

    A couple of questions, based on the info above. I see that the WASC info says accreditation granted, and is not under the section where changes are needed. So, I am asking is it safe to assume that the programs will be left as is?

    Second, for the TUI students.... can they change requirements during your program, or are you locked in once you begin. For example, say you are in the second yeara of the PhD program and they add a course to the requirements to graduate, would that only be applicable to new students, or have there been cases when things have changed for existing students.

    Hey, have I mentioned congratas to all the TUI students yet :) .... also note in the WASC, three of the sites are covered under WASC now, not just Cypress (asked previously in this thread).
  10. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Re: More Data

    Note that the school is listed as "Touro International University" relative to the WASC transer instead of "Touro University International". Interesting... I suppose it is a simple transposition of words.

  11. Han

    Han New Member

  12. defii

    defii New Member

    Re: Re: More Data

    Hey Dave,

    But don't you think the transposition sounds almost better than the original?
  13. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Re: Back to the Real Subject


    Hi. You've made a great choice. There are a group of about 70 TUI Ph.D. students who interact about research and teaching interests in a Yahoo! Group. If you would like to join, please write me from your TUI email account at [email protected]. Glad to know you!

    Best wishes,

  14. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: More Data

    Yes, I do...

  15. defii

    defii New Member

    Re: Re: Back to the Real Subject

    Thank you, Sir. I am also in the Bay Area. I'll send email from my Touro address.
  16. aa4nu

    aa4nu Member

    Psst DTechBA

    Just a couple facts to ponder.

    Several of us ARE also already grads of TUI. That's
    not a real secret either. So ponder than point.

    Next, if/when a school looses their RA or DETC, or ?
    the degree is still valid. That is a point of mention
    frequently on this forum. So, even if TUI had lost
    their RA, your MBA would still be RA. Ponder that.

    Now, having stated the above. Please re-read
    your postings and answer who makes who look
    to borrow from Dr. Bear, "less than wonderful."

    Perhaps you made an off-the-cuff remark, one
    that turned out to be quite off the mark. Perhaps
    you didn't understand how the RA process works
    if a school looses such. Perhaps you didn't realize
    that several others in this thread have TUI degrees.

    All of the above is understandable ... however, the rest
    of your ranting and the manner in which you conduct
    yourself does not reflect well for ANY school.

  17. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Hey Billy,

    Which world do you live in Billy? Apparently, it is not the same one the rest of us do. In our world, an Ivy league education is automatically better than that obtained from a community college in most people's eyes. We live in a world of perceptions and rankings and rightly or wrongly that is how this world is.

    Just a little secret from the real world. If you are a graduate from a school that subsequently loses its accreditation and people know it, they will look at your degree with little or no respect. At best, they may force you to prove you graduated when the school was accredited. Especially, if, as in my case, that loss of accreditation occurred within the year after I graduated. Even worse, they may see it on your resume and dump it in the trash because your school is no longer accredited. None of the above is something anyone would want to have to mess with if they don't have to. Maybe Rich could give you some insight into the nuances of how people in the "real" world look at academic credentials.

    Again, I am amazed that I have to point out something so screamingly obvious to almost everyone with any reasonable familiarity to the real world.

    If you want to see ranting look at yours and Dave's posts on this topic over the past year since TUI started having trouble. My conduct (and others) is a direct reflection of that. Your conduct has been reprehensible and inexcusable. It ranked right down there the worst mill shill that has ever visited this board. Other people just got sick of arguing against your endlessly repeated accusations with little or no proof and gave up. You didn't win the argument they just were sick of arguing with someone who refused to see reason. I, on the other hand, am sick of it and call you out for what you are, mindless shills who provide little or no backing to your arguments and have no problem twisting other peoples words to make your point look more defensible. It's childish and I am sick of it....
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2005
  18. aa4nu

    aa4nu Member

    Han asks some great questions ...

    I'll offer my opinions ...

    >So, I am asking is it safe to assume that the
    >programs will be left as is?

    My communications with my profs would indicate YES.
    Like you, I noted NO conditions in the WASC posting.

    >Second, for the TUI students.... can they change
    >requirements during your program, or are you locked
    >in once you begin. For example, say you are in the
    >second yeara of the PhD program and they add a
    >course to the requirements to graduate, would that
    >only be applicable to new students, or have there
    >been cases when things have changed for existing

    As frequently posted, many of their programs continue
    to change over time. This was true were I started
    on my BA many years ago at a B&M school. There, I
    was told that as long as I remained a current student
    and in the program I started in, the initial guidelines
    would remain in play. If I changed programs/majors
    or whatever, then whatever the current rules might
    be, would replace my old program guidelines. Even at
    the B&M school, they could (and did) modify some of
    the course requirements that I had not yet taken. Again,
    that seems typical for most settings.

    TUI is very similar. Here's a TUI link for your review:

    Basically is seems to be similar to what I described
    above ... as long as you stay a current student, per
    their definition, you stay in THAT program. If you leave,
    and then come back, then whatever the current rules
    are THEN whe you return, will be the ones you'll go by.

    Here's another example. The "Core Courses" for the
    TUI PhD have changed since I entered the program.

    But, those already in the program did not have to add
    them into their academic plan. One I took as an elective
    as I thought there was value, but it was an option. My
    program is still following the original academic plan. Some
    have changed, for example DBA699 used to be similar to
    BUS609 ... if by such and such a date, you had not already
    taken BUS609, then you would, from that point forward
    now take DBA699. So, in my case I took DBA699 while
    my original plan shows BUS609 ... it's really the same.

    Many of the courses' content has changed over the years,
    that's to be expected, with most any setting. The EDP170
    I took many years ago was very different from when one
    my daughters took the same school many years later.

    My son-in-law recently returned to a B&M school after being
    out for a few years. He has had to retake some additional
    coursework to meet TODAY's requirements at his school. So,
    looking forward (regardless of the WASC/etc.) I would see
    TUI continuing to make needed changes to ANY/ALL programs.

    >Hey, have I mentioned congratas to all the TUI students yet
    > .... also note in the WASC, three of the sites are covered under
    >WASC now, not just Cypress (asked previously in this thread).

    Thanks, actually, I think over time, we'll all see that this has
    been a positive event for DL education overall. Let's hope so.

    Have a good weekend,

    Billy ... who also noted the TIU verses TUI too.
  19. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member


    Hi. You might be wasting your time trying to reason with that individual... It might be better to concentrate on your research.

    Best wishes,

  20. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: Back to the Real Subject

    Fantastic! Welcome aboard!

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