Letter To America From Marines From Iraq!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by TEKMAN, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well, this is an interesting list. Ron Paul is a hypocrite. John McCain is a decent choice. Colin Powell isn't sure what he believes. Wesley Clark is horrible. Joe Lieberman is an excellent choice. Boren's father, David, would have made a good president.

    Insofar as congressmen go, Chris Shays would be my top choice for the top spot. Too bad J.C. Watts left congress. He would be an excellent president.
  2. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Voltaire died for your sins, or, ecrasez l'infame homerique


    Grgwll is angry because another poster did not realize he had a friend killed on 9/11. But I'm an evil rotten s.o.b. for making fun of Arafat after what the PLO did to the entire Lebanese wing of my family.

    This is the flaw of Homeric morality--if we do it (whatever the problematic "it" happens to be), it's o.k., but if they do it, it's reprehensible. Or, it only hurts if it happens to us.

    So much for the (real) Deist concern for natural law, natural rights, and universal ethics.
  3. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    Absolutely true, Uncle Janko. How difficult is to walk other people´s shoes even for sensitive Leftist people.

    BTW, on a different note, I also think that McCain and Powell would make excellent Presidents for the US.

    And regarding the idea that originated this post, I mean, this is so terrible but how easy it is to judge from the comfort of our homes a soldier´s performance when his heart was beating 150 times per minute and he was experiencing a terrible pressure! This is a war and unfortunately this kind of things happen. I think it is disgusting that the TV´s in the US broadcast that piece of garbage, and distribute it to the rest of the world. They even had the indecency to beep the swearing of this soldier as if that was the most terrible aspect of the images but didn´t hesitate to broadcast the entire video. I think the Pentagon or that soldier if he´s still alive should sue whomever is resposible for that. The front home has made the US win many wars. .. and lose some others.

  4. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    When serving on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, J.C. Watts took cash bribes. I've heard the tapes of the phone calls of him setting it up. The only reason he wasn't prosecuted was that the statute of limitations had expired.

    That's not they type of person I want as my President.

    He was one hell of a football player, though.
  5. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Re: Voltaire died for your sins, or, ecrasez l'infame homerique

    No, I was upset because he said that I thought the U.S. deserved what happened to us on 9/11. It was a lie, and it was based on what? The fact that I don't support everything Bush has done?

    No, actually, you simply made it clear that in your view, Christianity is not about praying for the salvation of your enemy, it's about hoping for their bloody violent death.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I had some serious misconceptions.
  6. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    In some ways, that is true. But he is the only member of Congress I have seen who doesn't give a damn what his party thinks or what the lobbyists think. He's going to vote what he believes. That's rare. But in reality, he probably would not be a very good President.

    I really think that stated policy positions are of secondary importance in choosing a President. They so rarely actually do what they say they are going to do (granted, that is often because circumstances change, lack of cooperation from Congress, etc.) But I think character is the most important consideration, and I admire Powell's character, for the most part.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Are you absolutely sure about this? Seems to me he was cleared of any wrongdoing.
  8. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    I've heard the tape. J.C. did not question the legitimacy of the tape. Yes, I am sure.

    He was not cleared of any wrongdoing. He simply was not prosecuted. And that was only because, by the time the tapes were made public, the statute of limitations had expired.

    In 1996 or 1998 (not sure which, but I could find out if it matters), his opponent's TV commercials featured the audio of J.C. telling the conspirator where to drop off the bag of cash. But in Oklahoma Congressional politics at the time, as long as you were a Republican, integrity meant nothing. So Watts won easily.

    Don't get me wrong. I like J.C. He's generally a good guy. He made a huge mistake, and he was lucky enough to get away with it. As do many people. I just don't want him to be my President.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Very interesting, thanks. I guess there just aren't too many Larry Pressler's in politics.


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