Legal Recourse against Kennedy Western University

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by desiree27, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

  2. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    I know JimS, and feel quite certain that he does not work for KWU. He is just defending it because he is a student, and to my knowledge that is his only vested interest.

    I think Jim gets it because he avoids any questions that are hard to answer in defense of KWU, but he also wants KWU to be seen in a positive light. It takes while to see it for what it is when you want it to be what you thought it was.
  3. JimS

    JimS New Member

    Hi Plcscott,
    When you say you know me, do you mean you have met me, or just understand me? Just curious, and always like to swap emails with old Navy buddies (Cold War Silent Service).
    There is no way for me to prove it, but I do not work, nor have ever worked for KWU (though I was associated with the University of Maryland for a number of years). In fact, I am unemployed right now, so that I can go to school at KWU full time (I can hear your wails already).
    I haven't checked, but perhaps I have only made postings to KWU related topics. The rest of the topics are interesting but I really don't want to get involved in areas I do not have personal experience or interest in (such as all that French crap).
    Actually, I only respond to half the KWU stuff that is posted. I only try to hit the high level stuff and let the little misconceptions slip by, because they are not worth the effort. None of you would believe me anyway.
    Best regards,
  4. clichemoth

    clichemoth New Member

    But wait, Michigan also has a list (that K-W is on), and almost every major employer there is on it . . . Odd.
  5. PaulC

    PaulC Member

    I apologize if I have missed a previous response on this specific topic. I am curious as to how you might view any academic institution that will offer six courses worth of Master's level credit for an unverified, page and a half resume.

    Do you have an opinion on the role of defensible and reasonably rigorous processes for assigning graduate level academic credit for prior learning? Do you see any character or ethical concern in this practice of pretending as though there is a process, when none exists?
  6. JimS

    JimS New Member

    I believe the Michigan list applies only to application for State civil service positions. I have also heard that KWU is on a list in New Jersey, but actually what is meant is the New Jersey State program for tuition reimbursement does not include any unaccredited schools.
  7. JimS

    JimS New Member

    I can't say from personal experience that I know the situation you described has occured at KWU. I know they required documentation from me during the application phase, to back up what I told them my background is. I know they only accept sealed transcripts from the original organization granting prior degrees. I know there is a formal pre-graduation documentation checklist that is completed by KWU, verifying they have received the official transcripts indicated when the student enrolled.

    The situation you described is certainly open to misrepresentation of prior learning by shady students. But those types of people are eventually caught. If they are real clever they become rich, famous and powerful before anyone recognizes their lack of character (insert your own mental picture here- depending on whether you come from a blue state or a red state).

  8. PaulC

    PaulC Member

    Jim, you don't know me from Adam, so there is no expectation that you necessarily have to take my word or believe what I say. But for the record, your response does not speak to the specific scenario and question I posed.

    I personally, as a part of broader research I was doing, contacted KW indicating a general interest in a Masters program. I said I had x number of years experience doing a variety of things and asked if they had any programs for me to get credit for prior learning/life experience. I was told by the KW enrollment associate assigned to me that after hearing of my background, she was certain could earn as much as six courses worth of graduate level credit.

    I submitted to her a one and a half page resume with generally accurate but obviously very limited information. Not even enough to get an employment interview, much less enough to determine what I might or might not know. The only other response was filling out their online application in which I noted that I had been to 10 conferences. Not a word as to what took place at these conferences. I was advised by the enrollment associate that the number "10" would be a good number to indicate. For this, I received my call back with the good news that I was awarded the maximum credits for my experience.

    So, you can see, this is not situation that is open to "misrepresentation of prior learning by shady students." This more speaks to shady practices by KW. It is what it looks like, with no interpretation required. My research, not coincidentally, mirrors the practices elaborated on under testimony from a former KW employee.

    This practice is the very antithesis of a legitimate academic policy. How does misrepresentation factor into the fact that KW does not do any due dilligence in awarding credit?
  9. plcscott

    plcscott New Member


    I have never met you in person, but we had several discussions about KWU on the pub and the other site. I would send you a PM but you must have it turned off. As far as hitting the high level stuff and letting the misconceptions slip by here, that is probably a good tactic because digging into the specifics about KWU only makes you realize what KWU is. It took me a while to fully get it too.

    Obviously, there are many questions that are too hard to answer. Like these These and the hesitation to even mention KWU when talking about my education for fear of what others knew of it made me realize that I no longer wanted to be associated with it. But, if you or others have no problem with it then I wish you the best, and hope it does not come back to haunt you.

    It looks like Wyoming may be changing there laws, and KWU may have to be on the move again.Here In this article David Gering claims that KWU is moving towards accreditation. While I hope this is true for the sake of the students/alumni that did not get a refund, I sure would not bet on it. If they are not then this shows how misleading KWU is.

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