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Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by bo79, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Han

    Han New Member

    Re: For Han

    This is very intersting. I have debates with some who are against raw food, but they seem to like it and it has no effects. I see that raw foods are on your list, so I take it that this is fine. Very interesting.

    What about cookies and chewies??
  2. Michele

    Michele New Member

    Hello Han,

    For cookies & chewies, I have stick cheese around and use small pieces at a time for treats (like after bathing and ear cleaning, which they consider torture). I used to use a big jar of animal crackers (the kids kind) for treats. I've also used bits of hot dogs for training (yuck, but works great). My girls aren't into chewing anymore, but they have lots of toys to mess with. Previous chewing targets in puppyhood used to include table legs and drywall. A great reason to adopt adult dogs ;-)

    About the raw, I've fed raw to my rotties (ages 7 & 8) since their puppyhood. When we adopted our 11 yr old from the shelter (she was 10 at the time) we quickly switched her to the fresh food diet my other girls have been on. She did great. Lots of improvements in her previously poor health. Interesting notes: None of our animals have ever had fleas, despite living in a heavily-treed forest area with lots of wild animals. Also, except for the older dog we adopted, none have ever needed teeth cleaning (and she only needed it when we first got her - gums were in awful shape). Same for the cats - teeth & gums like youngsters! Adopted dog also previously had hot spots and tons of skin problems (thyroid disease - had been on medication when we got her, and still is - I'm not anti-alopathic and have great respect for my vet's knowledge) and on this fresh food diet all has been cleaned up and she has a beautiful coat and clear normal skin. Could also be due to the regular bathing.

    There are lots of "pros" to the fresh food option, and lots of passionate opinions for and against. When we first started this 8 years ago, my vet was not "for" it . . . but since then, she's conveverted with her own dogs, and referred other clients to the diet we use as recommended for their dogs when people have inquired about fresh foods for dogs. BTW, I mention in my profile that my hobby/interest is canine natural nutrition and canine behavior - I have never charged for my suggestions and never will. It's only an interest and personal pleasure, purely volunteer work. More info to be had at www.b-naturals.com (newsletter directory) or the Yahoo email list K9nutrition.


    P.S. Article on fresh food diets: http://b-naturals.com/Feb2003.php
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2004
  3. kansasbaptist

    kansasbaptist New Member

    Originally posted by dcv
    You can play it off all you want, but the fact still remains that PETA supports extreme action in support of their cause. Every terror organization uses the same tactic -- anything goes in support of my cause!

    We have become so blinded by ideaology, that we are unable to see the truth, no matter how clear it is presented.

    Theocracy, abortion protests, homosexual bashing, abortion rights, swift boats, Michael Moore, you name it. It simply amazes me how people can always look the other way or find justification in actions as long as it supports their point of view.

    Animal are not citizens, they do not have rights. That doesn't excuse the actions of people who are cruel, but restricted animal testing is LEGAL, wearing fur is LEGAL, eating meat is LEGAL, allowing you dog/cat to live outside is LEGAL.

    I just wish the energy PETA put into protecting animals would be extended to the starving, suffering, and sick PEOPLE of the world.

    And I also wish the world would protect childern (both born and unborn) with the same ferver that they support baby seals, spotted owls, whales, dogs, cats, minks, foxes, etc., etc. etc.

    Being progressive means I must support homosexual marriage, abortion rights, protect animals, the environment, AIDS victims, taxing the wealthly, freedom of expression in any form, and open sex ed in school.

    Being conservative means I must support capitalism at all costs, ignore the poor, reduce homosexuals to second class citizens, let God run the country, no taxes on anything, ban any form of free speech I don't support, vote for George Bush, ban evolution, teach no form of sexual responsibility to anyone, ban abortion, and use the Levitical Law to support my position.

    Perhaps we need a group to protect the almost extinct free-thinking American.
  4. bo79

    bo79 New Member

    I am not going to get into much detail with this because I don't went the thread to go off topic. Which is animal rights not abortion. However some points that I would like to make are...

    1. I am pro choice and think that no one should tell a women what to do with her body. So when a fetes is inside a females body and attached to here body by the umbilical cord, and she is nurising it just as she nurisis every cell in her body every-time she eats, its part of here body. However when the fetes is out of the females body and the umbilical cord is cut, then it is a totally different story.

    2. What about those abortion protesters that are constantly making death against the children of doctors that perform abortions. Talk about a bunch of hypacrits. Here they are pretending to care so much for a child's right to live, yet they are making death threats at innocent children just because of what their parents do for a living. Just like there are PETA protesters out there that are extremists, there are also abortion protesters out there that are extremists.

    3. I am glad that you decided to fight for the rights of fetuses.
    However someone also has to fight for the rights of animals, just as much if not even more. I bet you that there is more animals out there being killed on fur farms and experiment labs then there is fetuses in abortion clinics.
  5. Han

    Han New Member

    Bo, I think you started out great with no wanting to get off topic, but with the rest of the post, I see the thread is going to go elsewhere. (On two and three though, I like the parrellel with the animals). How far it will go off topic, only time will tell.

    I think everybody can agree about not torturing animals, but the new topic is of debate.

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