TESC and FEMA ... no longer accepted?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by unixman, May 5, 2004.

  1. bceagles

    bceagles Member

    Let me get this straight, the FEMA EMI thing is new to me (stay with me here):

    All I have to do is go to the website, print out and read the material for the exam, take and pass the exam (I assume the exam is administered right on the website without a proctor).

    Once I take and pass the exam(s) that I took in the comfort of my own home, all I have to do is fill out the form on the FEMA EMI site to get credit from Fredrick C.C. and send a check for $60 per credit/course that I would like transcribed and …………. “PRESTO”!! I have gained RA college credit!!

    Is it that easy?

    Am I missing something?

    In theory, I could take 30 of these exams, and get 30 lower level college credits (I understand they might not fit into a degree program)???
  2. unixman

    unixman New Member

    Yep, that's basically it ... :)
  3. skidadl

    skidadl Member

    what happened with TESC? why are they no longer accepting all of these courses as is?

    from my understanding TESC used to accept every one of them, no questions asked.

    Hille can you help?
  4. Hille

    Hille Active Member


    Hi, Sorry I did not respond in a more timely manner. Our town was inundated with flooding 2 days ago. We actually have FEMA , Red Cross, Coast Guard and every other agency here. We were fortunate to be spared. A series of dams failed under 12 inches of rain and many homes were lost. *** I am currently trying to finish all the FEMA EMI and will publish how the transcript looks and what is considered upper credit and lower credit at TESC. TESC is still taking these credits and transcripting them. I cannot see that changing for any reason. If you need any additional help please feel free to e-mail me. Hille
  5. unixman

    unixman New Member

    As this seems to be the most recent FEMA thread, I'll post this here. :)

    Several weeks ago (3-4?) I received my 1-credit transcript from FCC for a FEMA course I took. However, TESC has not yet received it, although I specified that option when I applied for the credit.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I wouldn't think it would take any longer than it would my copy of the transcript to reach me ...

  6. backtoschoolnow

    backtoschoolnow New Member

    TESC said that they take about 2-3 weeks to bank the credits once they receive them.

    I took one of the FEMA exams. It said I would be notified as to my grade. How long does that part take?

  7. unixman

    unixman New Member

    The problem is that they apparently haven't received anything from FCC yet ... :(

    If I recall correctly, the scoring was instant, wasn't it? Either way, I believe I got my statement from FEMA in about a month ...
  8. backtoschoolnow

    backtoschoolnow New Member

    I posted previously that these classes are ACE reviewed. I called the FEMA office that handles this and I was wrong - they are NOT ACE reviewed. Many ARE accepted by TESC and some schools will accept the TESC or the FCC transcript. The fact that I was wrong means that the people I spoke to at Excelsior and other schools were also wrong about this.

    There is a great deal of confusion about which courses are and are not accepted. For example: one school told me today that they only accept the FEMA classes that are in the ACE guide, and that they have accepted the FCC transcript - and that there is no need to have them transcripted. However, the classes are not in the ACE guide. So even the schools themselves are confused.

    It costs only $350.00 to take the courses and having them banked at TESC and then see if the school you want to attend will accept them. T ESC definitely accepts all or almost all of the courses.
  9. davidlj58

    davidlj58 New Member

    I was able to finish quite a few of the self study courses and sent the request in with the check for $60.00 each to FCC. I was awarded the credit and now have them on my TESC transcript.
  10. backtoschoolnow

    backtoschoolnow New Member

    Does anyone know first hand which (if any) of the FEMA/EMI classes are upperlevel?

    If they are upperlevel how could they would up upperlevel if transcripted at a junior college?


  11. unixman

    unixman New Member

    I was unaware that any were considered upper division credits ... I could be wrong.

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