Whatever happened to the wall?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Sep 30, 2018.

  1. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    It just kind of petered out. I don't hear Trump mentioning it at his rallies.
  2. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Abner, thank you for your continued interest in building a border wall to maintain the national sovereignty and security of the United States. Here is a wall-itinerary that goes back two weeks from today:
    Abner, more of President Donald J. Trumps rally's, tweets and news about building the wall are available for you, upon your request. Thank you for your interest in building the wall. o_O

    Keep the United States Great and God Bless America! :D
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    After all the fanfare, very little progress has been made! Keep American Great! Yeah baby, and good morning to you as well. Just had my OJ this morning and feeling fine! Viva USA!
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Abner, thank you for your concern. The wall is being built, one brick at a time. Every brick that is laid becomes part of a permanent structure that requires little to no maintenance.

    Keep the United States Great! :D
  5. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I'm not even an engineer and I know how preposterous that is.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  6. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    SteveFoerster, humans have built the Great Wall in China and have sent men to the moon. Why do you think it is an engineering or technological impossibility to build a wall in the United States? It is happening now.
  7. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I get the impression it's not going to be built with bricks, I could be wrong though.
  8. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

  9. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    no dark sarcasm in the classroom.
  10. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Good morning! Nice to hear from you again! :)
    cookderosa likes this.
  11. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    So... it's a fence? How revolutionary.
    Abner likes this.
  12. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Exactly my point! It bears no resemblance to the huge brick wall he touted so much in his rallies.
  13. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    After all, how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
    Abner likes this.
  14. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    "Please Sir, can I have some more?" More!
  15. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    SteveFoerster and Abner, yes, the most popular type comprises metal pillars (or a fence, as you prefer to call it) with concrete on top with a height of 18 feet. Prototypes are being evaluated for:
    • Efficiency of installation
    • Effectiveness of acting as a barrier
    • Infrastructural longevity
    • Expert opinions from Border Patrol agents are assessed in the equation. Agents felt uncomfortable not being able to see through the wall, so they asked for a fence that agents can see through, such as the one in the far right in the pic below.
    • Special Forces personnel were asked to rappel over several different prototypes to determine which are the most difficult to breach. They were unable to rappel over the one in the pic below in the far right beccause the grappling hook could not hitch onto the round curvaceous top.
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    So instead, if they want to scale the fence they'll have to throw a rope over it and then tie that rope to one of the fence posts. Got it.
  17. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    SteveFoerster, where there is a will, there is a way, but please remember that it's also eighteen feet high, so it will stop most illegal aliens. Not only does a person have to elevate himself 18 feet into the air, but if he falls, it could be fatal. There are currently many places without any barriers whatsoever. o_O
  18. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Let's see, if I throw a rope over a wall I can then climb that rope to secure it on the other side so that I can climb the rope?
  19. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Take another look at the design they decided to use.
  20. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    I don't which type they've decided on or if but one type.

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