German athletes kneel to protest United States racists

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Photo of protesting Germans:

    Full story:
    AP News | ABQ Journal
  2. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    ""We're no longer living in the 18th century but in the 21st century. There are some people, however, who are not that far ideologically yet. If we can give some lessons there with that, then that's good".

    Germans posing as the superior ones, the ones in a position to give others moral lessons, is ironic given that Germans have done more than anyone else to destroy European civilization.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Like what? Because we're past the time when we can talk about the second world war, which is fast passing from living memory.
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

  5. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I'm notsure what you mean by "destroy European civilization" but this is about racism. Why change the subject?
  6. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    This is how Trump garnered his support. He spoke to the fears of "Europeans" aka white people. The Trump supporters on this forum couldn't be more transparent. What does this story have to do with European civilization? Is this all that's on Trump supporters' minds?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2017
  7. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't World War II count as going to the extreme to preserve Europeans? No other country in history has gone to greater lengths to preserve pure Europeans.
  8. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Sanantone, are belief systems based on skin color?

    Sanantone, what are the "fears of white people" (your term)?

    Sanantone, when you lump all whites into the same belief system (or behavior system), based exclusively on their skin color, isn't that racism?

    Sanantone, how do you know that the "fears of white people" are the only thing that is on Trump's supporters minds? Do you have any evidence to support that kind of racist belief? Sanantone, are black Trump supporters also experiencing the "fears of white people"?
  9. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    So, has anyone noticed that when me again wants to instigate, challenge, or create more controversy, he always begins every sentence (or at least every paragraph) with that person's name, even when the other person has clearly been identified in the passage me again is quoting?

    Sounds like the technique of a professional "button pusher."
  10. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Dr. Steve Levicoff, your analysis is very interesting. The thought that addressing someone by name could be inflammatory is intriguing. Conversely, using a name could be to specify who the questions or comments are being directed to. Remember, this is a somewhat large forum with many different people participating.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2017
  11. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Racism is the belief or actions that are a result of the belief that a race is superior to others. Not all white people voted for Trump, but most did. Many of the poor ones are now worried about what's going to happen with their health insurance, but I feel no sympathy for them because they put their xenophobia above their own healthcare and economic well-being.

    There aren't very many black Trump supporters to begin with. The two black ladies on YouTube who are popular Trump supporters have an IQ of 70; they aren't exactly the most articulate people. The black pastor who had his 15 minutes of fame turned out to be a liar. A couple of other black Trump supporters I've seen are self-haters. Some of the somewhat decent black Trump supporters I've seen stopped supporting Trump after what he said regarding the Charlottesville incidents. In all, I haven't come across many black Trump supporters with self-respect.
  12. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Cause & Effect? Does skin color cause behavior?

    Sanantone, are you saying that if a person with black skin votes for Trump, then it's because:
    - he is a self-hater or
    - he has a low IQ or
    - he is a liar?

    Sanantone, are you saying that if a person with white skin votes for Trump, then it's because his motive is xenophobia?
  13. jhp

    jhp Member

    You have no idea what liberals are willing to do to a non-white and his family if they discover you voted conservative.

    Actually, watch some pre-WWII videos what the Germans did to the Jews.

  14. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Uh....Hitler's hatred of ethnic minorities and obsession with the "master race", as good an example of racism as you're likely to find, did an awful lot of damage to Europe.
  15. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    Europe was once the center of world civilization. Europe gave the world the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. It transformed how everyone on the planet lives, and to a lesser extent how they think. For 500 years (roughly 1400-1900) an extraordinary proportion of intellectual movements and advances came from Europe. Decisions made in European capitals mattered. They were felt around the planet. The ideas of European intellectuals mattered. American artists all made their late 19th century pilgrimages to Paris and Americans flocked to study in the new German research universities and study the writings of all the European authors. Culture outside Europe was largely derivative, reflecting European models of thought, art, taste and dress.

    Then came two disastrous world wars, both prominently featuring Germany. Afterwards, the world was transformed. America stood astride the planet. Today, when people look somewhere for new ideas and for innovations, for leading edge scholarship in just about any field, they look first to the United States. Europe has become something of a cultural backwater, increasingly reflecting American styles and ideas. Decisions made in European capitals have decreasing influence around the world. European intellectuals increasingly talk to themselves. Europe just doesn't matter to the world like it once did not so long ago. It's a quiet cul-de-sac rather than an avant-garde.

    And here we have German athletes saying this:

    "We're no longer living in the 18th century but in the 21st century. There are some people, however, who are not that far ideologically yet. If we can give some lessons there with that, then that's good."

    Not only is there the idea that historical change is unidirectional and progressive (very doubtful propositions), there's also the idea that German athletes are somehow more "ideologically" advanced than Americans, and that German footballers are in the position to offer moral instruction to the cultural stragglers across the Atlantic.
  16. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    No, I said the black Trump supporters I have come across have been liars, self-haters, and people with low IQs and that there aren't many black Trump supporters to begin with. I also did not say that every person with white skin who voted for Trump is xenophobic; many people voted for party because they're more loyal to party than their own values. However, there is a large group of unskilled people who blame immigrants for all their economic woes even if they live in areas that hardly have any immigrants. Many of these people are longtime Democrats who voted for Trump. They were lazy in the past, and they're still lazy now. They're waiting for the presidential messiah to fix all their problems. Try again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2017
  17. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Anti-Semitic stickers of Anne Frank appear at German soccer events

    It looks like the German soccer team should address it's own racists issues before trying to judge the United States.
  18. jhp

    jhp Member

    Why? It is much easier to tell others what they should be doing to improve their lives. /s

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