Jerry Fallwell, Jr. says he was offered Secretary of Education post.

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by John Bear, Dec 1, 2016.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Presumably Doctor Dante was not available.
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I find it tough to believe he'd be offered that job and not take it. He claims his family asked him not to, but it's not like they're not steeped in politics, so I find that hard to swallow.
  3. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I doubt he would fib on this...and why would he not be offered the Job? Based on who elected Trump and why, he is the perfect person for it. He certainly has experience in higher education, does he not?

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