Welcome to 1984 in 2016

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Bruce, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I don't care where your political allegiances lie, this is an absolute disgrace.

    DOJ to scrub Islam references from transcripts of Orlando terrorist's calls to police | Fox News

    BTW, good luck finding this story on CNN or any of the other mainstream media sites except Fox. I had to go through 3 levels of categories on CNN to find it, and even then, CNN tried as hard as they could to conceal the fact that we're now living under Big Brother, where Newspeak replaces the truth;

    Lynch: Authorities to release limited transcripts of calls with Orlando shooter - CNNPolitics.com
  2. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    2016? How about the edited Zimmerman 911 call tapes from 2012 by NBC? The digital re-editing by ABC on the surveillance video of Zimmerman at the police station?

    I completely quit the media after the Zimmerman thing...such a disgrace.

    Nothing surprises me at this point. Nothing.
  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Those were done by news outlets, which are private businesses. This is the government engaged in censorship in order to further their political agenda. That's straight out of the Big Brother playbook.
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It is, specifically, it's inconvenient truths down the memory hole....
  5. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Political correctness has reached a level of absurdity I never even imagined possible just a few short years ago.

    I completely gave up on CNN. I don't know why news channels have such a hard time these days factually reporting the news without interjecting their biases and commentary. I just want the news; nothing more.
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Is that the motivation here? I sense something bigger than simple PC. It would be a giant spin move wouldn't it?
  7. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Could be. I didn't want to come across as a tin foil hat wearer, but I do agree that something really bizarre is going on.
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Look again. The actual editing--since restored--is much more benign than some would portray it to be. So is the reason.
  9. jhp

    jhp Member

    Because it was too late. Because someone realized a complete recording will leak in short time, and then it would have been Nixon's 18.5.

    Editing to avoid "further his propaganda" - Who does not know that he pledged allegiance to daesh? by the 16th of June, daesh already had a promo out using this guy!

    "who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past controls the future."
  10. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I trust this administration about as much as I do for MSNBC to conduct responsible, unbiased journalism. Which is not at all.

    Unless I hear the actual tape, I remain highly skeptical that the transcripts are doctored.
  11. jhp

    jhp Member

    Even if I hear the actual tape, I would wonder about its pedigree.
  12. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Imagine an existence where nothing can be trusted. Where there's a conspiracy lurking around every corner. Where no one is what they seem to be. The paranoia must be exhausting.
  13. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.

    By which I don't mean that every conspiracy theory is true. But when high level policymakers conceal, distort, and lie as often as they do, only a fool would take what they say at face value.
  14. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    When it comes to politics on that level, I believe that people rarely hear the real story and they never hear the full story.
  15. jhp

    jhp Member

    Imagine a world where every prudence is belittled as delusions of persecution.
  16. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yeah, like that. Thanks for that great example.
  17. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Give me some examples of why this administration should be trusted to tell the truth about anything that might make them look bad, or interfere with their agenda.
  18. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Why limit it to this administration? There's plenty of bipartisan history when it comes to whoppers from Washington.
  19. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    The majority of lies told by previous administrations had little to zero impact on my life, and most American's lives. Iran-Contra? Never interrupted anything I was doing. Lying about having sex in the Oval Office? Had no bearing on me whatsoever.

    The lies & subterfuge by this administration are much more ominous; they (more specifically, Obama) seem to always be just around the corner, waiting to impose more oppressive government regulation, or conduct an all-out assault on the Constitution. That does impact my life, and not in a good way.

    All I want from the Federal government is a strong military, border security, a national currency, and to leave me alone. Everything else I need or want, I can get at the state or local level, if the Feds would abide by the 10th Amendment and get out of our lives.
  20. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Your asking me to disprove a negative. It's not my hypothesis to prove or disprove. But my point about the burden of negative paranoia is supported by your request. That's very telling about your outlook and how you make sense of the world.

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