Shocking: High School Students Go on a Racist Rant About Bringing Back Slavery [Video

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  2. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    When I was in high school there was an occasion where a group of kids decided to see who can come up with the worst Holocaust joke. They were overheard. They got punished. Life went on. None of them became grand wizards. One, in fact, later converted to Judaism and married a Jewish woman in New York and routinely posts pictures to Facebook of his family being all Jewish.

    High school kids sometimes just like to say shocking things. I think it's all part of that whole discovering of self thing. Before literally everybody in the country had a handheld video camera and a medium to publish video to the world in an instant these things were fairly minor and dealt with locally. Now, it makes the national news and a 15 year old's name can get destroyed in Google results well into adulthood.

    Punishment? Yes, of course. But it should focus more on education and teaching the boundaries between what can and should be said rather than being purely punitive. And making a national scandal out of it helps no one. I'm sure everyone has one or two things they've said in their youth that, had they been recorded, would appear quite scandalous today.
  3. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    My freshman year of high school we had two kids come to school dressed as the KKK for Halloween. I attended the most racially diverse school in my state (in the most poor zip code in my state) and THAT did not go over to well. IIRC a member of the football and wrestling team (now a respected Baptist preacher in town, does a great program every year where he does MLK's entire "I Have a Dream" speech) and his younger brother...took care of the two youths. It did not end well (hospital visits for both of the guys in costumes, and one kid was there overnight).

    Abner sure reads a lot of bad news, or at least posts a lot bad news. Often without additional comment and, why is this political?
  4. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    three kids have an opinion? Big deal. This principle over-reacted.
  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Yes, especially what you said about "teaching the boundries between what can and should be said". That is why I said that people should keep their offensive language attacks to themselves when dealing with an LGBT person, then I said "shut the fuck up!" That is listed in one of the LGBT threads, but it is the same thing. It is not acceptable to call someone a "fucking Dyke" in a family restaurant, as was discussed in that thread. (the lady with the short hair, chemo patient). That's not PC, that's common courtesy and decency.

    These boys have right to their opinion since this is a free county, but they should be taught what can be said, and what should be said. I frankly don't think their opinion is a good one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  6. apriltrainer

    apriltrainer New Member

    I still remember kids in high school calling me chink and gook. IThis was in the late 80's and early 90's before it was "chic" and "hipster" to be biracial! (My sister is 10 years younger than me and she was one of the most popular girls in school...If only I had been born LATER!)

    Their response,"It's a free country!!"

    I had one guy come up to me at my locker and punch me while he yelled "Vietcong!" everyone laughed. I had a black eye and my teacher said, "boys will be boys".

    But as Abner said, having some common decency and courtesy is important. That's not being PC, it's just being a decent human being.

    Fast forward to now.. and I am sure all those high school boys who shouted gook and chink to me are all addicted to asian porn.

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