Donald Trump’s Hispanic delusion

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I find it weird that Trump always refers to minorities as "the Hispanics" or "the blacks". Why doesn't he just say Hispanics or blacks? Are we a separate species or something?


    Donald Trump

    "A fact-checking study of Trump’s speeches over the course of one week by the influential magazine and website Politico found that Trump had made one inaccurate statement every five minutes on average — the kind of falsehoods that no serious news organization would publish as a fact."

    "In fact, a new Gallup poll shows that only 12 percent of U.S. Hispanics have a favorable opinion of Trump, while 77 percent have an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, 59 percent of Hispanics have a favorable view of Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton."

    "He added that this will pose a serious problem for the Republicans if Trump is picked as the party’s candidate for the November elections, considering that most Latinos vote Democratic. “Remember, we are talking about a general election where Republicans will need 42 to 47 percent of the Latino vote to win,” Sharry said."

    "My opinion: Judging from national polls and Florida primary exit polls, Trump’s claim that “the Hispanics love me” is a prime example of his habit to distort the facts and repeat falsehoods. When a Gallup poll shows that 77 percent of Latinos nationwide have an unfavorable view of you, it takes some nerve to claim the opposite."

    Serious problem with securing major voting blocs. I am thinking back to when Obama won the election. If I remember correctly, McConnel and his ilk meet up afterward and discussed the future survival of the Republican party. They came to the conclusion that they had to be more inclusive in order to secure more minority/women voters. Good luck with that!

    Ay que Trompeta este!
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Trump has 99 problems, but a lack of chutzpah ain't one.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I love that, in celebrating Cinco de Mayo, a minor Mexican holiday:

    -- He's eating something called a "taco bowl," which is in no way Mexican.

    -- He said he loves "Hispanics," which are people who speak Spanish. This includes Spain, Central and South American, and various other locations that are not Mexico. He should at least pander precisely and say he loves Mexicans. But we already know how he feels about Mexicans, right? (Hint: he told us.)

    -- The restaurant in his hotel that served it to him doesn't have that dish on its menu. "Trump, party of 1, your bowl is ready!"

    Pandering is a real fault in Clinton. Glad to see her rival is game for it, too.
  5. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I was told that on a recent trip to Mexico.

    I heard Trump say Cinco de Mayo was "Mexico's independence day similar to US July 4"
    Wrong - September 16 is Mexico's independence day.
  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    When I commanded a unit in San Antonio (yes, commanded), the Mexican border cities were off-limits to military members on the 16th of September. Not on the 5th of May, however.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    One presumes Mexican cities are off limits to French military units on Cinco de Mayo. :wink:
  8. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Indeed. I have been a volunteer presenter of cultural programs for a social club for almost nine years. I gave a little spiel on Cinco de Mayo earlier this month. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the fact that on May 5, 1862 Mexican forces defeated Napoleon III of France and his forces aT the Battle of La Puebla.

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