Charles Koch Suggests Clinton might be a better than GOP nominee

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Ouch! :)

    But the man is right. A storefront mannequin would be better than what GOP is likely to nominate (Trump OR Cruz), let alone a seasoned centrist pol like Clinton.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Ouch, indeed. Those guys have been all-in for the GOP since the SCOTUS turned on the cash pumps. This kind of thing illustrates the foundational cracks and the damage being done by Trump and Cruz in exploiting them.

    Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and pandering to a set of people you're just lying to can only take you so far. We're seeing that now, watching the GOP do a Thelma and Louise. Some in the party are now saying it needs to be done and done quickly--like tearing off a Band-Aid instead of slowly peeling it off. That way, they can pick up the pieces and start anew.

    I don't see how the Trumpsters can be left out of any reformed GOP--there's too many of them and they have nowhere else to go. Unless the moderates in the GOP pack it in and join with the Democrats to create a super-majority party. That would last for awhile, but the way our system of government is designed encourages a two-party process. Just as we've seen in the past, this party (the GOP) might blow up, but something will eventually re-form to replace it.
  4. Davewill

    Davewill Member

    It seemed inevitable ever since the Reagan era GOP started pandering to Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority. And I do mean pander. If the "Reagan Democrats" had actually thought the GOP of the time would follow through on all the social stuff, they wouldn't have voted for him. Since it was such an obvious pander, they've had to continually step up the rhetoric to keep the social conservatives on board. Social conservatism simply isn't embraced by the big money wing of the party...or the majority of Americans Trump is only giving it lip service to get elected. I'm convinced a social conservative cannot win a national election...and of course these days if you DON'T have the evangelical wing on your side you can't get out of the gates in a Republican primary. Impass...
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Note that since GHWB, the GOP has won exactly one popular vote for President, and that by an incumbent "wartime" President who won re-election by the slimmest margin ever for an incumbent.

    There will alway be left and right--our two-party system ensures that. But the balance point seems to be shifting dramatically leftward. This indicates a seismic shift that will redefine what "right" and "left" are for decades. And some people on the Far Right are going to be left out in the cold. That's why they're so angry; they're scared. They should be.
  6. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Charles Koch denounces his creation, the modern Republican party

    Charles Koch denounces his creation, the modern Republican party

    "These personal attacks and pitting one person against the other—that's the message you're sending the country," Koch said in an exclusive interview with ABC News that aired Sunday. "You're role models and you're terrible role models. So how—I don't know how we could support 'em." […]

    Especially when you start attacking veterans for their service. Vets like Kerry, Ducksworth (who lost her legs in combat) and McCain. What I find most disgusting is these attacks usually come from guys that never served. Trump says McCain is no hero because he was captured? Where was he? The Trump tower being waited on by his servants?

    "He also said that he and his brother are totally open to supporting Democrats. "We're not for somebody because they're Republican or against them because they are Democrat."
  7. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

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