Marco University

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Kizmet, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  2. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    Why kick a man when he's down? Once he loses in his own state, he'll be left to rot in the dustbin of history.
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I'm guessing that he's too young to just go away. He'll be in politics for a long time.
  4. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    He will be back, I can even imagine a scenario where he gets sent to state funerals as someones VP. If not this time around, perhaps the next.

    I'm curious to see where Florida heads. Not at all sure Marco has a lock on it. No doubt Trump is the guy to beat, but I think Cruz smells blood in the water in Ohio and I think his brand of politics plays well down here. Not projecting a winner but think how interesting things would get if Cruz took Fl/Ohio...and then indicated a preference for Rubio as VP.
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes, because when one's campaign accepts what amounts to chump change in contributions and one intercedes on the company's behalf to help stop its collapse--which would server no one--that's the exact same thing as setting up and hyping a scheme to defraud consumers by not delivering what was promised and pressuring buyers to purchase more (and more and more....)

    Thank goodness we have Breitbart to tell us these things in a dispassionate, unbiased manner. Why, they're almost fair and balanced!
  6. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    I'm no Rubio fan. But, I never criticized him for intervening on Corinthian's behalf for the reasons you've stated. Heald is dead. Why? How did killing it serve anyone's interest? Meanwhile, the schools that were actually causing all of the trouble still survive and are now owned by a "non-profit" with the benefit of all of the former for-profit executives at the helm.

    I also don't agree with Rubio's characterization of accreditation as a "cartel." But, I do think that the current system is such that innovation is truly stifled. There are some good faith experimental colleges out there that have to work a bit too hard just to have the opportunity to prove to the world that they aren't scams. Given how well we've vilified unaccredited schools in this country even the task of operating for the minimum required time to even be eligible to pursue accreditation is rather burdensome.

    So I wish there was a lower cost alternative for that space. And I wish the government would take a more active role in overseeing higher ed.

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