Fox & Friends Distort News Story on Soldier's Funeral

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by BinkWile, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    I just watched a piece on Fox & Friends (the conservative version of the Today show on Fox News) that just enraged me in 2 ways.

    They did a piece on these vile protesters that keep showing up at the funerals of fallen soldiers, with signs that say "God Hates your Son" and "Thank God For Dead Soldeirs." They also brought on the counter group, that follows this group around to counter protest them.

    However, what also enraged me was that Fox News did not mention who the group was and made it sound like it was a bunch of disrganizaed liberals.

    This group is from the "Westboro Baptist Church" of Topeka Kansas. They are a far right wing group that believes that God is killing soldiers (and caused 9-11) because the government does not kill homosexuals.

    check it out for yourself:

    Here's their homepage (it's vile, I warn you):

    So I am furious that Fox News would distort the news that badly as to ignore that the group protesting was conservative, and insinuate that all of these groups are some how Democrats who don't love their country.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2006
  2. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Incredible! Not suprised though, coming from Fox.

  3. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    These people protesting at funerals are of the lowest caliber, and almost make me mad enought to condon violence against them, but i wont go down to that level .

    As for Fox not saying that is was a conservative religious group. Isnt it funny that people would assume that only liberals would stoop to this level and not conservatives? What does that say about impressions in the publics eye. Does the public generally think that only liberals do such vile and disgusting things as this group???Is that a PR problem for "Liberal/Progressive" people?

    For the record, church nuts scare me as much as far left socialist so there is no love there...

    being a catholic boy i have to think of a movie i saw where a priest said "I only know 2 things, there is a god and it isnt me". Well i think we can be for sure what "God" doesnt want...

    I mean things like abortion are there for obvious reasons, but Im pretty sure throwing dear blood on some poor girl who has been abused and is pregnant isnt, or tying some gay guy to a post and beating him to death isnt what got wants... and protesting soldiers funerals falls into that catagory...

    What a bunch of a$$h0les.....

    Got that roger waters song stuck in my head now...
  4. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  5. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member


    I agree with you. This nonsense of pulling out contradicts everything that Bush has stated before.

    I get upset when no one acknowledges the different points of view on the war. There aren't just those that are blindly gainst it, and others blindly for it. There are those (like myself) that think it was a bad idea to go in, but now we have to finish the job COMPETENTLY.

    There are also those that were 100% for the invasion of Iraq, but are now agaist the occupation.

    There are many shades of grey not discussed anymore.
  6. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    What, in your mind, makes this a Right wing group?

    And from which side of the aisle was the counter group?
  7. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    I think the general label for religous nuts is right-wing, or as i like rightious wingious nutious in latin. This doesnt mean all right winger who are religous are crazy, just these paticular folks..

    The counter group were conservatives also,. I think this is a good example of how conservative like myself have to protect the movement from religous wackjobs who are full of hate. The left has fallen victim to allow the extremist of their movement to be the public voice. When Jerry Fawell talks, even conservative roll their eyes...but when Micheal Moore or Howard Dean speak there is a different reaction...

  8. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Yeah...they make him the leader of the Party.
  9. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    Re: Re: Fox & Friends Distort News Story on Soldier's Funeral


    Exactly what would you consider a group that believes that God is killing US soldiers because th US won't exterminate the homosexual population? They sure don't sound like hippies to me!

    Second, the counter goup is the Patriot Guard Riders, which is a group of bikers/veterans that support the war and support the US troops, and most likely the president. That would put them on the right as well, just not insane as the Topeka Baptist Church.

    Look, these people are sick. They want a basically religious society, and want the destruction of all gays. They don't want people to stop being gay, or not participate in sodomy, they want them KILLED and they believe that God feels the ame way and he is punishing the US.

    They have this quote on their website:

    "God doesn't hate people because they are gay. People are gay because God hates them."

    My outrage is that Fox News forgot to mention what the group's agenda is, because the majority of its audience is conservatives who may disaprove of homosexuals.

    Fox News preaches the need for openess in news broadcasting. That's why I was furious that they would omit this important information.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2006
  10. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Fox & Friends Distort News Story on Soldier's Funeral

    I would consider a group like this to be nuts.

    But it's a little prejudicial of you to assume that anyone who hates gays or attends church is Right wing, don't you think?

    And why do you assume that anyone who supports the troops and the war also supports the President? And why do you assume they are Right wing?

    One more question...did Fox identify the counter group as being Right wing? If not, wouldn't that be bias in the opposite direction of what you're accusing.

    You're accusing Fox of being biased, but it appears that you have some preconceptions of your own.
  11. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Fox & Friends Distort News Story on Soldier's Funeral

    I was generalizing in my post, and no Fox News did not identify the counter group as right wing.

    I am not making the assumptions you state that I am. I am generalizing for the sake of complicity.

    Finally, I do not ave any preconceptions, nor do I have any biased. I am not a "left wing" liberal, or a Bush conservative. I am pointing this story out because I find this group to be so reprehensible that they should be exposed for their agenda. Fox News will go to great lengths to point out other groups agendas, but not this one. My question is why???
  12. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fox & Friends Distort News Story on Soldier's Funeral

    Good points Bink. Fox news has a definite slant. I for one do not give a crap about fox. Let them spout off their news stories, people are seeing through the smoke. Remember "Mission accomplished?", remember "We are on the last throes?", remember "this war will pay for itself?", remember "they will welcome us with rose petals?". Give me a break. People have seen through the lies. And no, it is not whining if you point out lies (As my neocon friends point out). The right wingers sure made a big deal about Clintion lying (about a b.j.). So no, they will be held to the same standard.

    Just my two centavos,

    take care brother,

  13. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    I will consid that fox has an agenda just the same as CNN, CBS, and the others. There has been media slant against conservatives for a LONG time, at least in TV and Newspapers. Is it a bad thing? Or only a bad thing when conservatives do it? This isnt anything new from the media. I truthfuly believe, as Im sure other like Abner do, that my position would be justified with the truth. We may disagree, but there is not way to resolve the disput because you cant count on them to give you a straight story one way or another..

    But, lets not forget too that Fox is consistantly kicking everyone elses butt so i dont think people are "seeing throught the smoke", and at the same time Air America is going off the air everywhere, including resorting to begging to stay on the air in NYC.Last time i checked any one of foxs prime time show beat the combined total of all the other networks. That is domination of the market.. That means alot to the conservative agenda, and thats a poll that cant be slanted by improbably questions...Nelson has to make money on there results....

    I dont mind lies being pointed out as long as its consistant. I havent seent any "lies" to be conclusive, but there has been alot of evasivness that leads me to believe that there was lying. Not like Clinton were he shook it finger at us and later changed his story. Is a lie a lie? It was perjury period. But that turned into politics as usual.Outside of politics, if you called me a liar the way people do in the press I have a new house....
  14. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    You know, Fox is the leaderin the ratings, and I watch them incessantly. But I also hate most of their programming because it infuriates me. A lot of other people watch fox because of this.

    It reminds me of the scene in Howard Stern's movie, "Private Parts":

    Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.
    Pig Vomit: How can that be?
    Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next."
    Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?
    Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
    Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen?
    Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."
  15. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Ah, good points bink!

    Abner :)
  16. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    There is a serious difference between shock radio and news, sorry. But i do imagine that there is a group of people that watch to see what they say, not because they are a fan, but not like Stern. I mean no one there is suggested that some ethnic groups should sell thier daughters into slavery....

    Even if half the viewers are really "anti-viewers" they still beat everyone else hands down.

    But yet, no respones on the fact that other news organizations like the NYT, CNN and CBS news are incredibily biased? or are the biased in the "proper" direction? And that begs the question on both side, does anyone want to hear the truth?
  17. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    OK, on Friday Morning Fox & Friends did another piece on the Kansas church protests, and they did name the group and who they were affiliated with, and what their message is.

    Also, thank God that Congress aproved a bill forcing the protestors to keep away from the funerals:

    Thank you Fox.
  18. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    That is good news, thanks for posting it. What a bunch of #$%$%$% nut jobs!

    Abner :)
  19. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Note: It was the Texas state legislature, not Congress that passed this bill. The article says two other states have done the same.

  20. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    I know its not "PC", but disrespectful people like these are what the real problem is with our society. Regarless of your views, liberal-conservative-centrist, being rude and insensitive is disgusting and these guys have it down. Especially to the people who grant you the right to protest. I think alot of war protestors may come close to this line, and some cross it, but these people have really gone too far...and do you know why?

    Because 40 years ago when someone was a jerk and got his lights punched out people said "He got what he deserved". There is no need to be respectful to anyone cause what are they gonna do??? Think about j*rk-off drivers on the road...why, cause what is someone else going to do? Cry? boo-hoo? Well that is the status quo on some sides of the ball...different topic..anyway..

    I know dukin it out isnt always the right way, but for some it the only way they seem to understand...these people reallly piss me off...PLUS, how can anyone call themselves Christian when they behave like this....Im not always to sure what God wants, but that for sure is not it.....

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