Is Pres. Bush on crack?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by javila5400, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member

    What the hell was he thinking selling our ports to the Arabs? I am a Republican and I voted for him twice.

    Hello! Two 9-11 hijackers were from UAE. Bush even threatens to veto any legislation prohibiting the sale of our ports to the enemy.

    I guess Lenin (or was it Marx) or one of them commie bastard was correct in saying the "we will hang the capitalist with the rope he sold us" or some crap like that.

    Damn, my fellow Americans, our government sold us out!!! God help us.
  2. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Hi Javila:

    Is the Prez on crack? I often wonder that myself.

  3. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    For the record, I think this is a terrible idea, but let me play devils advocate for a second....

    1. UAE is an excellent spot to put a nice airfield to reach out and touch people anywere in the middle east and not exclusively in Iraq or SA.

    2. UAE as been helpful in the war on terror. ALot of countries(can we say pakistan) pulled a 180 when we made it clear we would bomb you back to the stone age if you didnt get on board. UAE has alot of nice stuff to break

    3. You cant say we want to be your friends and when you acctually have to work with them flip positions. Hearts and Minds you know...

    Now, I personally dont thing we can trust them, but with them controlling alot of the ports the boats are leaving from, the fact that they wont do security just port management, and they need to appear genuine to arab "allies", a position could be staked out in favor of it.

    Something else to consider. Alot of counties over there that have been "helpful" have made it hard on themselves because the terrorist are going to hold them responisble. I think some may be in a transition stage were they are coming from one camp to another. A rich, and fairly liberal(for over there) country like UAE is a good candidate because they have tasted out lifestyle and realize that it pretty darn good. That is ultimatly how we win. I heard someone say yesterday the the TV show "Dallas" was the most popular TV show in the Soviet Union in the 80s and people ate that up along with Blue Jeans, and everything else that was part of American Culture.

    I think its a terrible idea, and anyone who has heard me rant before know I pay first allegaince to our countrymen, but we shouldnt react emotionally and without thinking about the big picture.

  4. RobbCD

    RobbCD New Member

    Oh yes, by all means lets scuttle this port deal with the UAE with absolutely no thought to the consequences to our country. As far as I know, the management of these ports was left to foreigners (the Brits) a long time ago. If we refuse to sell the management of the ports to this Dubai company, who will run the ports? Is there an American company with equivalent experience in port management as Dubai Ports World? I doubt it. So, assuming we screw up this deal, our ports will then be run badly and our economy will suffer more than it already is. Great thinking by the knee-jerk public, it's a wonder we can survive at all in a global economy.

    Sell the port management contract to the UAE and leave security to the Department of Homeland Security (the DHS needs to do something to justify its budget).
  5. BDev

    BDev New Member

    I can't imagine the UAE running our ports. That's a scary thought based on my experience over there-they hate us and there's no nice way to say it.

    I guess President Bush finally found a way to unite the country.
  6. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    All security procedures will stay in American hands. Coast guard, Inmigration, DEA, FBI, etc,... I know the entire idea sounds crazy, but many American ports are run by non American nationals. I am not saying it is a good idea. All I am saying is that national security won´t be compromized. On top of that, I am not sure it is legal to refuse those Arabs on ethnic origin grounds. This Arab corporation could sue the US government or administration or whatever, and win....
  7. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    I have dealt with many crackheads over the years and President Bush does not exhibit any symptoms of using crack. Moving right along...

    It was interesting when Al Gore visited Saudia Arabia and told them that the Americans are conducting prejudical operations against the Arabs. Conversely, the Americans turn around a couple of weeks later after Gore's statement and award the UAE the contract-in-question: and then Bush takes heat for it. It's quite a dichotomy and it's all political in nature. ;)
  8. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    Exactly. Part of the cultural probelm is alot of people in the west place no meaning on their word. The French and Germans at the UN during the pre-iraq war hearing is a good example. People who have nothing but dirt and their word place alot more meaning in it. If the administration gave their word it will be tough to get him to change his mind. Principles suck huh?

    Not to mention the almost traitorous action of Gore during the visit. There is almost no end to bashing their own country...Its totally unbelievable that they would go to the enemies back yard and then trash us. But this is the same group that helped the Chinese into space or gave the North Koreans nuclear material so we shouldnt be surprised. These are the people that had a chance to get in front of this situation and TOTALLY dropped the ball. Why the republicains are not trashing them on how they handles Bin Laden, Al Queda, Iraq, China, and North Korea while clinton was in office is nutz.
  9. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    To answer the original question posed - the answer would be no. If we were to change the question to "Is Pres. Bush intelligent?" the answer would also be no. If the question were "Was Pres. Bush elected twice?" again, the answer would be no. If the question were "Was Pres. Bush elected the first time?" The answer would still be a no.

    I am flabbergasted that the american people would throw in excess of $100 million dollars to impeach Clinton, yet about a person who was not elected Pres., there was no money spent to recount the votes, GW's big brother, Jed, after all, said no to a recount in Florida - what a surprise!

    *poke*poke* this should get a discussion going :D
  10. RobbCD

    RobbCD New Member

    Jeb is the younger brother of GW.
  11. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    You do know that every major liberal slimeball newspaper did a recount and bush still won right?

    I think sometimes "liberals" (not calling you one blue) have this problem with losing. Since the name of the game for them is to change the playing field instead of playing the game better. They failed here. Now i realize that political correctness and the such govern most other events, but unfortunatly for the libs, math is not one of them. Ever see the California schools that dont keep score in sports...that is just nonsense. But if are the type that cant or doesnt win without someone changing the rules for you i guess that is great.

    The Sore/Loserman campaign want only to recount in districts that they held enormous leads in, and had a strong base. Everyone remeber that nasty looking ole lady twistin the ballots. That didnt play into there plan did it?? This show that mathmatics is not lost to democrates, but they just wanted to weasel their way in, like when they tried to supress the military vote. We will stay away from the fact that more people voted for that nut bucannan in that district the time around than anywere else, and we will also not talk abou the apparent mind reading powers of democratic election officials. Had they asked for a recount of the state initially, and not waited till the last minute they would have gotten it, and lost as they did, but at least it would stop the crying. God I lost my childhood dog in 2000 and Im over it.....

    Is the President Rocket scientist...No. But i will bet my bottom dollar that he would make a mental midget out of 90% of the people here who bash him......

    Everyone who went to an Ivy League school raise there hand...

    Though so...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2006
  12. Khan

    Khan New Member

    This president could have flown a plane into a twin tower himself and he would still have apologists here.
  13. RobbCD

    RobbCD New Member

    He also could have flown to NYC wearing a red cape and stopped the planes by hand and still had critics here.

    If you focused less on why Bush is bad and more on what makes your party worthwhile, you might do better in the only poll that counts: the one on election day.

    Until then, get used to being a permanent minority party.
  14. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    There is a difference between fact and apology. English is similair to math..Which seems to be a probelm for liberals.

    And as Rob said, he could have personally stopped the plans and you people would still hate his guts. And you will continue to lose badly without any message beside crying, moaning, and b!tch!ng.

    Could we have a better President..Sure, but the absolute blind hate from the left does nothing for them but cause them to lose more and insure more Republicain victories. You need a plan that doesnt require klenex.

    And as for your statement. You may base your feeling about someone on their party or beliefs, but most base them on the individual. He did not fly the plane. And he has made sure you havent been attacked since then. Why dont you try hating the people that did instead of the people that ultimately will be on your side. You do understand that Islamic Facist will wipe out the lefty liberal free willed "sinful" lifestyle type first right?That liberal represent what they hate. The hollywood image of america. They hate fun. And for everything bad about liberals, I will admit...They do know how to party....

    As for Clinton...I agree that the Republicains played the "hes a perv" card too much. But the Dems didnt learn a lesson did they, when they had him for perjury the americain people had just simply heard enough pissin and moaning so they said enough. That is the only reason he was not impeached...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2006
  15. Khan

    Khan New Member

    Kindof like how helpful and friendly the republicrats were to Clinton right?
    Your man wouldn't be constantly attacked if he hadn't listened to the fanatics in your party and attacked the wrong country after 9/11. I had nothing against him until he proved he could be swayed.
    Mission Accomplished!
  16. RobbCD

    RobbCD New Member

    So, what are you going to do about it? Complaining didn't work in the last presidential election, and it didn't work in the mid-term before that. Why don't the democrats offer a vision for the US that offers something the current administration doesn't.

    I'm sure you must have something.

    Put up or shut up.
  17. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    My apologies - Jed the younger brother... :)

    Yes - Bush invaded Iraq under false pretense - the "War on Terror" will never be over - on the contrary, the terrorists have already won - psychologically.

    Every day the CNN ticker gives the "Threat Level: color" - afaic, the only reason Bush wanted to invade Iraq was the Oil.

    Think there'll be peace in Iraq? Think again - it is tragic that more life's will be lost for ..nothing.
  18. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    The Attacks of September 11, 2001, achieved their objectives in spades. Psychological terror on the population is more far reaching and longer lasting than any number of violent incidents; fear of the unknown.

    On the bright side there will still be a career for me by the time I finish that degree in intelligence studies. I wonder though which side of war will have any moral authority left by that point.
  19. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    sentinel: what degree are you pursuing ? ..weren't you taking an AS at Champlain?
  20. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    I switched to the Digital Forensics professional certificate (6 of 24 credits completed) at Champlain College, and am still pursuing the AA GS (Counter-terrorism) at American Military University (33 of 60 credits completed). I will be applying all these credits to the BA Intelligence Studies at American Military University (60 of 120 credits completed). I also realized I had enough computer science credits from years ago to earn, in a few months, a BA (Natural Sciences/Mathematics) (102 of 120 credits completed) from Thomas Edison State College in conjunction with some of the credits from CC and AMU.

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