Gotta Love the "Nice" Dem's

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by DTechBA, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    One of the leading political bloggists in Illinois recently moved his blog to a new site so he could better track who was posting. The blog had recently become inundated with some virulent fould mouthed posters and he wanted to see where some of them were originating. Not surprising, some of the ones praising our current Democratic governor originated from his campaign headquarters. More surprising (or maybe not), some of the ones posting as extreme right wingers that were harshly condemning the moderate (and leading in the polls) Republican candidate also originated from the governor's campaign headquarters. The poster also attacked state workers as do-nothings. This, apparently, in an attempt to help the governor mend fences with AFSCME an early supporter which literally got him through his gubernatorial primary but who he harshly vilified once he was in office.

    Sounds like he has some Gray Davis workers on his staff. Could be, considering a lot of his money and staff come from NY and California.

    Such nice people.....

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