Is Ramsey Clark a traitor or a patriot?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Guest, Nov 28, 2005.


Is Ramsey Clark a traitor or a patriot?

Poll closed Dec 5, 2005.
  1. Traitor

    0 vote(s)
  2. Patriot

    1 vote(s)
  3. Un-American

    5 vote(s)
  4. Who cares

    6 vote(s)
  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark has joined Saddam Hussein's defense team.

    Is he a traitor or a patriot?
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think Ramsey Clark is a traitor to his country.

    I thought this when he and Jane Fonda went and collaborated with the North Vietnamese and I didn't support that war one iota.
  3. RobbCD

    RobbCD New Member

    I don’t believe that Mr. Ramsey’s involvement in Hussein’s trial will make a bit of difference regarding its outcome. I am no more appalled by this than I am by attorneys representing any number of reprehensible types.

    As such, I voted “Who Cares”
  4. Tom H.

    Tom H. New Member

    Ramsey Clark = POS

    Traitor may be a bit strong - POS would be about right. Clark is a self-hating American who has reflexively sided against the U.S. government since he left office. He is not part of the "patriotic opposition" as he doesn't want to see a better America but rather a weakened, eviscerated and disemboweled America. Clark seems to want to see America humbled at every turn rather than a more humble America, a legitimate point of view favored by many on the left. What makes Clark the POS that he truly is stems from him having not a word of criticism for a number of Third World dictators for the last 30 years but instead saving it all for his blanket condemnation of the U.S. and anything remotely pro-American.

    I think that I've finally found something in which Jimmy and I are in full agreement. Now, if he'll just be a little more critical of Neil Hayes and company ... ;)
  5. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I answered "who cares?"

    If one believes that justice requires fair trials, and that fair trials require that all defendants are entitled to competent legal representation, then it seems to me that one cannot also believe that attorneys should shy away from defending even the most odious of defendants. In that case, Clark is neither a traitor nor a patriot, he is simply an attorney.

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Ramsey Clark = POS

    :D Hi Tom,

    Well, we do agree here. I noticed many on the left are avoiding interviews regarding Clark.

    I really don't have a problem with liberals/leftists if they are intellectually honest. I may not agree with them, and usually don't, but if they're intellectually honest--like Diane Feinstein, Alan Colmes, Bernie Sanders, and others, that's fine.

    It's the hypocrites I don't like. People like Ted Kennedy who wants to raise taxes yet has millions of his own money overseas to avoid U.S. taxation.

    Regarding Neil Hayes: Hey, he's my friend and he is engaged in wonderful work that I consider God's work.

    Take care and good to read another of your posts.
  7. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Re: Re: Ramsey Clark = POS

    B... bu... you don't... um... you don't think I'm intellectually honest? ;)

    As to the poll... in my opinion, a choice is missing:
    • Just doing what lawyers are supposed to do
    Even the most vile and despicable among us deserves competent counsel and adequate representation.

    As to Clark, I am considerably less antagonized by him as many here seem to be. And he most certainly is a patriot, just generally. Any suggestion to the contrary -- and especially that he's a traitor -- is simply ludicrous. He takes dissent to a new level, to be sure; but none of it rises to the level of being traitorous... or even unAmerican. Much of it is downright admirable... even if sometimes a bit over-the-top.

    But then I'm a... wait... what did Jimmy call us? Oh, yeah... I'm a "liberal/leftist," I guess (which is better, I suppose, than being called a "pinko-punko"... which I've been called in my life).

  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Ramsey Clark = POS

    Which one? Intellectual or honest? :D

    Oh, both?

    I think you could be a little more objective but admire that you hold your ground in the midst of so many facts against your positons! :D

    Now, seriously, yes, I do think you're intellectually honest. I think you love your country and are a true American and patriot and at least you listen to others' viewpoints without attacking the person, just the ideas.

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