Sandy Berger's Slap on the Wrist

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by JimS, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. JimS

    JimS New Member

    A statement well said and worth reading.
    "Sandy Berger, an advisor to the Kerry campaign as well Clinton's National Security Advisor, has ADMITTED that he stole and destroyed documents from the National Archives that were after-action reports critical of Clinton's handling of the planned attack by bin Laden and Al Queda in 1999. He stole and destroyed these government documents so that they would not be turned over to the September 11 Commission. These documents have shown that the Clinton Administration not only knew of proposed terrorists attacks on the U.S. but hid this information from the public and did nothing to go after the terrorists except leave a note to George Bush that there were terrorists planning to attack the U.S. Like everything else Bill Clinton has done in his life, with the help of a fawning media, he sweeps the real work of governing under the rug like a P.R. flack and leaves the heavy lifting to the next guy. Fortunately, this next guy disregards the media suck-ups and does the job with little appreciation from these same suck-ups.

    Why does Berger only get probation for stealing and destroying sensitive government documents for purely political purposes? And why hasn't the media exposed this egregious disregard by the Clinton Administration for the public's safety and tell the story? Where is the media outrage such as undoubtedly would have been leveled against George Bush. Do they, the media, wonder why they have the credibility of used car salesmen - I apologize to used car salesman to put them in the same low-class. I respect factual criticism, especially constructive criticism, of all and, especially anyone who purposely and strenuously becomes a public figure. But I have no respect for journalists and their management who, through a plethora of devious means, censor the news for their own, profitable agenda. Ironically, it is these elitist journalist who scream the First Amendment who want to silence bloggers because they may have an agenda.

    Please, somebody, give this story the unbiased, factual attention it deserves. I saw a small reference to this in our local (Palm Beach) press and no editorial comment. Yes, it will hurt Hillary's aspirations to the throne but that is her problem, one she deservedly should have."
  2. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Nobody cares because it's happened so often with that outfit, people have become saturated with it.

    "Clinton and Advisors Were Machiavellian Manipulators of the Lowest Order" = "Dog Bites Man"

    It's just not news, nobody cares.
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Or perhaps their pecadillos pale in comparason with the wholesale corruption and dishonesty of the current administration?
  4. firstmode4c

    firstmode4c Member

    If we are talking about who has been more dishonest...... Gotta go with Clinton.... COME ON MAN! the guy is a huge liar and con man! He lied to every american, including his wife and child. Sorry, but I would not trust that man to walk my dog.
  5. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Nahhh, don't think so; this current guy, for all his failings, at least believes what he says. He may be wrong, but at least I don't get the feeling I'm being scammed at every turn.

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