Kerry wins!

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Mr. Engineer, Oct 31, 2004.

  1. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

  2. Lajazz947

    Lajazz947 New Member

    Yeah, yeah

    What a Moroon!

    I guess it is bye, bye, Lurch, not Chimp man.

    In the end the US voted for the man with conviction, moral values a no bullshit stance on terrorism and a man whom we all knew meant what he said.

    Read it and weep Mr. Engineer. Dub Ya did what few had done, get over 50% of the vote. Even your beloved Clinton ( I assume you are a Slick Willy devote') didn't get that.

    Let the Hillary 2008 watch begin. God help us if she decides to throw her broom into the 2008 race.
  3. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    Re: Yeah, yeah

    After 4 more years of Bush, the Dems could put up Alfred E Newman and he would be elected. Wait, we already have Alfred E Newman.
  4. Lajazz947

    Lajazz947 New Member


    Maybe we DO have Alfred E Newman but he obviously was the clear choice of America in this election by a wide margin. Admit it, your guy just didn't have what it takes and even Edward's Clinton like personality and charm wasn't enough. Cheney destroyed him.

    Look, I don't agree with everything Dub Ya does but he stands up to terrorism much like Reagan did to Communism and He is now revered for what he did 20 years ago.

    You know the story and you have heard the comparisons.

    Reagan and Bush- Stupid
    Reagan and Bush- Too right wing
    Reagan and Bush- Dangerous Cowboys

    Well, my prediction is that in 20 years Dub Ya will be revered too for his stance in the war on terror in the face of constant left wing peaceniks who think that the world is just one big happy family and that Love conquers all.

    As the T shirt I saw the other day read:

    War never accomplished anything except the demise of:


    And so it will be Terrorism.

    God bless whoever leads our country going forward.
  5. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Lajazz947, you make a lot of sense. Reagan was much better at selling himself than Bush, but both take the right road no matter how rough the road is. I do not always agree with Bush, but I suspect he will one day be respected and honored the way Reagan is. He might have people lining the streets to bid farewell to him some day too.
  6. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Re: Re: Yeah, yeah

    Good idea. He couldn't do any worse than anyone else you have.

    You lefties are always talking about what an idiot W is. If he is so inept, why can't you beat him?

    And for that matter, why do you keep losing Congressional seats, and Governorships?

    Without name calling or defaming anyone, please enlighten this right-wing dolt.
  7. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Re: Maybe

    Spoken like a man who has never served anything except a hamburger at Mickey D's!

    If you love it so much, then how come you are here? You need to be in the middle of some god-forsaken desert. Come on man, join!
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Yeah, yeah

    Hi Tom,

    If I remember correctly, you said the same thing about this election.
  9. Lajazz947

    Lajazz947 New Member

    Mr. engineer

    I for one, salute everyone in the armed forces. if you are in Iraq my hats off to you and may God keep you safe and take care of you. You are the reason why we are able to express our opinions in this manner. That does not, however give you the right to denigrate those that do not serve.

    I guess I could lie and tell you I served and you would never find out but truth be told I don't have the discipline to do so. That does not mean that I don't support you in every way possible.

    You are the one who joined the armed services knowing full well that there was always the possibility of going to war.

    And by the way, making fun of the workers at the fast food restaurants that you eat at is elitist and petty.

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