Iraqi Insurgents Endorse The Poodle

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by AV8R, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    It's official. The Islamic bastards killing our men and women in Iraq are pulling for John Kerry.

    The Islamic murderers in Iraq ("insurgents," as the media calls them) have now removed all doubt as to their objective. Is it just to kill Americans? Prevent democracy from taking hold in Iraq? Avenge the overthrow of Saddam Hussein? None of the above. They have now said their #1 objective is to elect John Kerry president of the United States next Tuesday. Surprised? You shouldn't be.

    Listen to the words of Mohammad Amin Bashar of the Muslim Scholars Association, a pro-insurgency group: "If the U.S. Army suffered numerous humiliating losses, Kerry would emerge as the superman of the American people," Another of The Poodle's supporters among the Iraqi resistance is Abu Jalal. He had this to say: "American elections and Iraq are linked tightly together. We've got to work to change the election, and we've done so. With our strikes, we've dragged Bush into the mud."

    Now you have to ask yourself just why would these America-hating Islamic terrorists be against George Bush?

    Easy. Because they fear him, that's why. Because he has vowed to destroy them, and they believe him, that's why. Terrorists like to be appeased, not destroyed. They like to be given numerous chances to clean up their behavior, then slapped on the wrist when they keep chopping off innocent people's heads. They know that they will get their way, that America will cower in fear, when John Kerry is elected president of the United States.

    Complicit in all of this is the mainstream media, the Islamic jihadists' public relations arm. The media in this country plays right into their hands, supporting their agenda and blowing their accomplishments out of proportion whenever possible. The left shares the goal with the Islamic terrorists in Iraq: defeat Bush and elect Kerry. So the attacks get over-reported, Iraq is made to look like it is a disaster, videotapes showing hostage-taking and demands are show on TV, and so on.

    So the burning question is this: will John Kerry accept their endorsement? Probably so, and then he'll blame Bush for making him do it.

    Just remember, when you walk into that voting booth next Tuesday Mohammad Amin Bashar and Abu Jalal, along with a bunch of their friends, want you to vote for John Kerry.
  2. Khan

    Khan New Member

    Al-Qaeda Endorses The Chimp

    Not to argue with that well researched and thoughtful post but there is possibly some disagreement here:

    A quote:
    A week after the Madrid attack, the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, which claims to act on behalf of al-Qaida, claimed responsibility for the bombing and declared a truce in Spain to see if the new government would withdraw its troops from Iraq, but warned that it was gearing up for new attacks.

    This part of the declaration was widely reported. However, very few mentioned the more ominous part of that declaration, short of excerpts which were reported by the BBC and Reuters.

    The declaration turned its attention to President Bush, saying: "A word for the foolish Bush. We are very keen that you do not lose in the forthcoming elections as we know very well that any big attack can bring down your government and this is what we do not want.

    "We cannot get anyone who is more foolish than you, who deals with matters with force instead of wisdom and diplomacy.

    "Your stupidity and religious extremism is what we want as our people will not awaken from their deep sleep except when there is an enemy.

    "Kerry will kill our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilisation.
  3. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member


    Military dudes such as ourselves already know this. I would want scary kerry to win the election if I were a terrorist. At least I know the rag on my head would protect me from kerry's most destructive weapon system: spitballs.

    Don't listen to the polls and media. Bush will win the election. You can bet Mohammad Abdul bin Achmed's camel on it.

    "There are three kinds of men: The living, the dead, and the Airborne."
  4. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    It's sad and pathetic that your side is so weak that you have to resort to lies and name calling.
  5. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member

    Re: Re: Iraqi Insurgents Endorse The Poodle

    What name calling? Poodles happen to be cute and cuddly. Your liberal buddy Mr. Engineer calls Dubya "Chimp Boy" and "chimp this and that." Relax.. It's just the Internet. :D
  6. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I don't do name calling, I am a military person, and I support Kerry as being more likely to actually succeed in the war on terror.
  7. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Ahhh....I see....It's okay for Mr. Engineer to sling around names but if a conservative does the same it's heresy....just more liberal hypocrisy.

    So, you think Kerry can do a better job fighting the war on terror? Based on what? His service in Vietnam? Or perhaps it is based on his glowing Senate record?...the same record that has slammed our military on practically every vote. The fact is, Senator Kerry has absolutely nothing in his past that supports his claim of being a strong military leader. He has voted to weaken America repeatedly while in the Senate. He "talks the talk" but has demonstrated that he cannot "walk the walk." A vote for Kerry is a vote for weakness.

    Oh, and for what it's worth, Kerry is indeed a poodle. He speaks French (a French poodle!) and he's a rich woman's toy...sounds like a poodle to me. :D
  8. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Well, if you can assume your opposition agrees with everything Mr. Engineer says, then I can safely assume that you agree with everything David Duke says.

    Yeah, Kerry hates America. He wants to weaken our country. Are you really so stupid that you actually believe the crap that you spew?

    Both of these candidates love their country. They want to do what they believe is best for America. Your ridiculous claims reflect only on you, not Kerry.

    Yes, Kerry's a poddle.

    And you are so uninformed that you can't make an argument based on policy, so you have to resort to name calling and lies.

    It's not John Kerry who is destroying our country. It's YOU.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2004
  9. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Ahh, nice, ethnic slurs. Got any ni**er jokes?
  10. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I base my opinion mostly upon the insistance, in the face of pleas from the weapons inspection teams for more time, of the President to make war. That war has now been shown not to have been necessary to the defense of our country, whatever advantages it may eventually confer upon the Iraqis. Iraq presented no immediate threat to the U.S. Had the President waited just a little longer, he could have avoided tying our forces and financial resources down, not to mention avoiding 1,100 American soldier deaths and thousands of maimings. Now, we're stuck.

    I am not willing to forgive this deadly blunder. I want to fire President Bush.

    Now, my impression of Senator Kerry is that he LISTENS. He LEARNS. He has, I believe, the mental flexibility and agility to fight an effective war, IF he can extricate us from the Iraq quagmire.
  11. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

  12. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Yeah, well Kerry's a poodle.

    You suck.

    Shut up, stupid.
  13. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member

    Ahhhhh. Actually, no.. but I have some more terrorist jokes.

    Q. Do you know why the taliban don't teach sex education and driver training on the same day?
    A. It confuses the camels.

    Q. American parents ask their children,"What do you want to be when you GROW up?" Do you know what terrorists ask their children?
    A. "What do you want to be when you BLOW up?"

    Q. Do you know what there is no WalMart in Iraq?
    A. Because there is a Target in every corner.

    You want to hear some liberal jokes, too? ;)
  14. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Goodness! I don't ever recall being on the receiving end of so cogent and well reasoned an argument before.
  15. Tom57

    Tom57 Member

    Well for one thing, it's virtually impossible for anyone to do a worse job than Bush. It took many years for Viet Nam to develop into a full scale disaster. Congratulations to Bush for doing it in less than a year. He's inept; he's in over his head; he's stubborn; and, apparently, he's not smart enough to realize he's made a mess of it.

    Elect Bush and we have his vow to continue the war on terrorism with no changes. We're going to keep on doing what we've been doing. Scary indeed.

    He's running the war about as well as he ran Arbusto - that is, into the ground. It's kind of funny (or sad, really) that Bush's history from Arbusto to Iraq is one of looking for oil. So far he hasn't been able to find any.

    Whether Bush wins the election or not, he has achieved his unspoken goal: a big payoff for him and his cronies. He cashed out his options with Arbusto, and left the other poor slobs holding the bag. He'll do the same with America, Inc. The poor slobs in this case are the American people, unfortunately.
  16. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    That's not a joke about terrorists. It's a joke about killing the people you supposedly want to liberate. But your "joke" shows your true intentions.
  17. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    ANOTHER cogent argument! He's got you there, Javila5400!
  18. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    I guess I will have to spell it out for you. You said:

    No one in this thread has expressed approval of Mr. Engineer's name calling. Yet you assume that because we disagree with you, we must agree with him. Using the same logic, I can say that David Duke disagrees with me, you disagree with me, so you must agree with David Duke.

    No, it doesn't make sense. But it is your logic.

    Are you really moronic enough to believe that Kerry is anti-security or anti-military? He might have a slightly different idea than you about funding, in some circumstances. But, he's not the devil (and neither is Bush.) Kerry has voted for what he believes is best for this country. You might disagree with his votes. Great. Then let's talk about those votes. But to claim that he is anti-securtiy is simply ignorant.

    Your argument is that Kerry is a poodle.

    Your agrument is that Kerry will accept the endorsement of terrorists. Please, show me the facts to back this up. You liar.
  19. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member


    You joined degreeinfo in October and you already have 78 posts, for an average of 5 posts per day. Holy crap, dude! Don't you have a job?

    Oh, wait, you are a democrat. You must be on welfare. :D
  20. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Re: Re: Re: Iraqi Insurgents Endorse The Poodle

    No sweat about the Poodle reference. JFK does look a little made up like a poodle. Of course, GW still looks like a chimp.

    It is fair game to slam politicians. They put themselves out for it.

    BTW: I am hardly a "liberal". However, I have always wondered by die-hard GW fans use that label for everyone that doesn't support GW? There are lots of Republican's that I would have supported for President (McCain being the main man).

    As former military myself (Navy in the very early 80's), I am surprised that you are not calling Cheney for the draft dodger he is. After 8 years of dogging Clinton, Cheney did the exact same thing.

    Yes everyone, lighten up. It is the Internet and GW's career in the Whitehouse will end on Tuesday - believe it!

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