Democratic Convention Agenda

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Ultimale, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Ultimale

    Ultimale New Member

    AP revealed the last day of the Democratic Convention:

    6:00 Opening flag-burning ceremony.
    6:05 Opening secular prayers by Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton.
    6:30 Anti-Bush concert by Barbra Streisand.
    6:40 Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    7:00 Tribute to France.
    7:25 Tribute to Germany.
    7:45 Anti-war rally [Moderated by Michael Moore].
    8:25 Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    9:00 Gay marriage ceremony [both male and female couples]. 10:00 Posting the Iraqi Colors by Sean Penn and Tim Robbins. 10:10 Re-enactment of Kerry's fake medal toss.
    10:40 Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    10:50 Pledge of allegiance to the United Nations.
    11:15 Maximizing Welfare Benefits Workshop.
    11:59 Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    12:30 Kennedy offers Hillary a ride home, she accepts with the proviso that he drives a convertabile with the top down, and if they have to cross a bridge, he supplies life jackets! Uh, does anyone have a question?
  2. Republican National Convention Forecast

    AP revealed a preview of the last day of the Republican Convention:

    6:00 Opening with Horst-Wessel Song.
    6:05 Opening fire & brimstone prayers calling for eternal damnation of all gays, liberals, and drug users by Rev. Jerry Falwell and Rev. Pat Robertson.
    6:30 Anti-Civil Rights concert by the dug up and re-animated body of Frank Sinatra.
    6:40 George Bush proposes a toast, accompanied by a snort of coke.
    7:00 Tribute to Germany - the 30s.
    7:25 Tribute to Saudi Arabia - the present.
    7:45 Anti-liberals rally [Moderated by Rush Limbaugh].
    8:25 George Bush sneaks a toke.
    9:00 Moralizing ceremony [only males allowed to speak].
    10:00 Posting the Saudi colors by Dick Cheney and George H. W. Bush.
    10:10 Re-enactment of Bush's run for cover during the 'Nam years.
    10:40 George Bush loads up his crack pipe.
    10:50 Pledge of allegiance to the New Order.
    11:15 Maximizing Corporate Welfare Workshop.
    11:59 George Bush lights pipe.
    12:30 Cheney offers Condoleeza a ride home, she accepts with the proviso that he drives a BMW and knows how to handle his stick!

    Uh, does anyone have a question?
  3. Ultimale

    Ultimale New Member


    well done. I knew someone would step up to the plate. I don't know which one is funnier. ROTFLMAO
  4. LOL on this end too..... :)

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