How to improve education in the American school system?

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by Bessette, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Bessette

    Bessette New Member

    1. Teach all basic education from elementary to high school in 10 years instead of 12 years allowing graduates to pursue jobs or vocational training and higher education at a younger age.

    2. Make all public school books standard and make them exempt from copy right laws. Sort of like public domain songs. All available in PDF form for DL.
  2. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    Well....first you have to define "improve" and then you have to identify the goal. No one agrees on either.

    Making all books standard? Uhhhhh, I can tell you're not a teacher. No teacher would EVER suggest this (as if they could agree), no parents would ever approve (democrat or republican politics in your history book?), and every textbook publisher would protest the monopoly (that's one hell of a govt contract).

    Trouble is, no one agrees. That is, the entire problem. Now, I'll be waiting to see if this was a spam :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2011
  3. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    That won't fix our ed system. What we need to do is to make learning performance based. Everyone would get to go to school till the 6th grade no matter what. To go on to the 7th grade you need to have a certain gpa. The same think with the rest of the grades. After that, you test to see if you get to go to vocational school or University. I tell you what people would work a hell of a lot harder. And my kids won't have to deal with people who don't want to learn in their classes!
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    This was probably a failed attempt at signature spam, but I'll answer anyway to say that royalty-free textbooks are a great idea. And there doesn't have to be just one set that's supposed to suit everyone -- given how much K-12 systems spend on textbooks there's more than enough money to fund all sorts of different options. Fortunately there's a little of this already happening, like CK12.



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