What is correct?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by plcscott, Aug 29, 2003.

  1. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    What is the correct way to say this?

    I have heard people say I could care less about XXXXXXX.

    Then, I have heard people say I couldn't care less about XXXXXXXX.

    What do ya'll tink ??? :D
  2. Homer

    Homer New Member

    "I couldn't care less": Proper form which, AFAIK, originated in England.

    "I could care less": Originally coined in the U.S., only used in the U.S., and clearly sarcastic (e.g. "as if there's anything I could care less about than xxxxx").

    Well, that's my take on this issue and I'm spent. FWIW, I'm still working on, "Save up to 50%....and more".
  3. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Ah, one of my pet peeves. "Couldn't" is correct. In my opinion, people use "could" out of laziness or ignorance.
    Thanks for asking.
  4. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Yes, what is correct. Watt's on second.
  5. bruinsgrad

    bruinsgrad New Member

    He be big pimpin' now.
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Homer: FWIW, I'm still working on, "Save up to 50%....and more".

    John: Good! I remember, from very long ago, a wonderful column by Goodman Ace in the Saturday Review on this usage. He had the first advertising man who came up with the line arrested for butchering the language. At his trial, the judge said, "I'm sentencing you to prison for up to ten years, or more."
    "But what does that mean"? the ad man wailed. The judge just smiled.

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