Rick Walston's new book

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Roscoe Barnes III, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. Is it based on one of his dissertations?

    The book is entitled, "The Speaking in Tongues Controversy."

    I haven't read it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

    Here's a link for more details:


  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    IIRC, his dissertation at Potchefstroom had something to do with the same subject.
  3. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Hmmmmm . . .

    I see that the "distinguished Dr. Walston's" book is "published by Xulon Press."

    Of course, one need only go to Xulon's web site to find out that it is a vanity publisher - in other words, his book is self-published. :D

    Not to mention that it's being advertised on the web site of his "distinguished school" Columbia Evangelical Seminary. By the way, here's a gimmick I've never seen before: "We will have all current students who attend walk the isle in recognition of their present studies, and they will be presented with a 'Certificate of Attendance' at the 2003 CES Graduation Ceremony."

    Walk the isle? I thought you could only do that at the degree mills located in the Islands. :p

    I guess some things never change . . . Brings to mind my favorite photos of Rick's distinguished school, which you can find at this link.
  4. Roscoe

    Roscoe Guest

    Re: Hmmmmm . . .


    Could it be that he's following the route taken by Dr. John Bear and these other author listed in John Kremer's "Self-Publishing Hall of Fame":


    BTW, Steve, I thought you'd done some self-publishing. I have. I also have some stuff done through traditional publishers. Presently have two projects under contract.


    P.S. Hasn't CES moved to a new location? Think I read somewhere that the link you posted is not the current location.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Rick's Potch thesis is titled The Manifestations of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12 with Special Emphasis Upon Tongues as Evidence.
  6. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    I would distinguish between legitimate subsidy presses such as Xulon and iUniverse, which pay royalties and are very open about what they do, and vanity presses, which don't pay royalties and attempt to exploit desperate wannabe authors by appealing to their egos. Businesses like Xulon can be a great idea if you have a topic of narrow scholarly interest or want to print a collection of poems about your cat, and some really good books have been done through the new POD subsidy presses. A doctoral dissertation on glossolalia sounds about right for this market.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2003
  7. flipkid

    flipkid New Member

    Re: Re: Hmmmmm . . .

    Many self publish for various reasons. Limited resources to print/publish in the first place, unwillingness to give up a major percentage of profit to a major publisher, narrow focus of subject matter or target audience, rejection from mainstream publishers.

    One should not be castigated for that.
  8. Re: Re: Re: Hmmmmm . . .

    So True.

    Some here may have heard of T.D. Jakes. The book that put him on the map and became a run-away bestseller, earning millions of dollars, was first self-published. The book is entitled "Woman, Thou Art Loosed!"

    Jakes paid a few thousand dollars just to get it off the ground. And the rest is history.

  9. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    A while back, I saw a curriculum vita for Rick Walston that mentioned his Greenwich dissertation which, if memory serves, was based on the same topic as his "Potch" dissertation. I always found that a bit strange.

  10. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    Re: Re: Rick Walston's new book

    What? You never heard of recycling? ;)
  11. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I'm not interested enough in Walston to look it up, but in recent years Greenwich School of Theology and Potchefstroom have had a "joint" doctoral program.* Are these ostensibly two dissertations or is he inconsistent in school-labeling a single one?

    *Wildly overpriced compared to similar (and better-run) SA programs without the connection to a no-reputation Brit seminary--and the depressing need to pay in sterling rather than in rand. I think some folks were attracted by the odd name. Did SAns flock to Melodyland on the same principle? Just wunnerd.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The "Greenwich" which Tony spoke of is Greenwich University, not Greenwich School of Theology (although there was once a relationship between GU and GST). The GST/PUCHE program is indeed a "joint" program, with the degree awarded by PUCHE. Rick earned Ph.D.'s from both Greenwich University and GST/PUCHE.
  13. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Thanks for clearing that up.

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