'What's so great about a Christian university?'

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Roscoe Barnes III, Aug 11, 2003.

  1. TOPIC: What's so great about a Christian university?

    A conversation with Craig Carter, vice-president and academic dean at Tyndale University College in Toronto. What is your general philosophy of Christian universities?

    by Diane Trail
    CW AtlanticCorrespondent

  2. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    The 10,000 year class reunions?
  3. kevingaily

    kevingaily New Member

    I like 'em because of the philosophy or outlook they stand for. (That doesn't mean there aren't hellions found on some of the campuses). Academic's are probably around the same as a secular college. There is a sense of like-mindedness, and family that really feels good. Also, since faith is a core value(whatever faith you are) you tend to find a lot of people you like and can relate to. I remember going through some tough times and it was so nice having so many caring friends encourageing and praying for me. Things like this really helped me to be more positive and motivated to excell in my studies. Also, Many Christian U's try to teach and make rules that are conducive to growing both intellectually and spiritually. I really gained a lot, and don't regret it by going to one. :)
  4. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    I know someone who went to a real Christian College - church every day.

    The foreign students, maybe not as committed, seemed to wear a lot of headphones in church.

    I assume the foreign students paid full fare and helped with the bills.

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