BA in 4 minutes

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by oxpecker, May 2, 2003.

  1. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Please, don't anyone tell Lawrie about this.
  3. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    When you get to a BA in 4 seconds, we'll talk! :)
    Until then, Lawrie's well thought out plan is still the model that I am working from for a BA (in addition to my neverending quest for a BAdmin through the "traditional" distance education methods.)
  4. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    4 minutes. You must run on copper connections like me.
  5. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    I use high tech ADSL from the People's Phone Company.
  6. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Ah yes, the Communist Utopia of Saskatchewan. If you're the last one out, remember to turn off the lights.
  7. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    So are you telling me that if I add another 6 minutes I can get a doctorate?:D
  8. musasira

    musasira Member

    Re: Re: BA in 4 minutes

    You still need only 4 minutes. It's the same printer. :)

  9. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    Try not to get run over by Ralphie driving home from the pub.
  10. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    Isn't he on the wagon. He's a better premier when he's drunk.
  11. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    Let's not forget that some of Canada's best leaders were alcoholics. Sir John A. MacDonald couldn't run the country unless he was hammered! (And he did a splendid job too)

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