Jesse Jackson Calls For Cease Fire

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Mar 28, 2003.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Jesse Jackson calls for a cease fire for the purpose of distributing humanitarian aid.
  2. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Yeah. A beer distributorship would be just the thing in Baghdad. Who needs potable water in Basra when this budd's for you? Keep hope alive!
  3. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    The most humanitarian thing to do for Iraq is defeat the government ASAP.
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Wasn't this all in response to threats of terrorism and "weapons of mass destruction"? I guess not. So now it's the elimination of Saddam. Well, guess what, you get rid of him and many others line up to take his place.

    This whole thing is futile and stupid. Oh, and very lethal to Americans and other living things.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I doubt it. This war will end with Saddam & his military commanders either dead or in custody, as well as the entire military being dismantled. I don't think the US will allow another madman to gain that much power again.

  6. kevingaily

    kevingaily New Member

    Sources state that he met with Kofi Annan in New York and is trying to work with the UN. It figures..... :rolleyes:

  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think we need voices like yours in spite of the hyperbole. The niavete is refreshing. However, your answer is futile, the top part of it smacks of Hardy Har Har's "Oh dear...Oh my Lippy...why do anything".

    The guy is a mass murderer (yes not the only one), who has weapons of mass destruction or the most amazingly incompetent accounting system that allowed him to loose thousands of litres of anthrax and forget he had weapons systems he was not supposed to happen. I guess the chemical suits they found with his troops and antropine injectors were for something he was not intending to use. He he exports terror that we know of by paying Palestinian kids to murder Israeli kids on buses and in discos. Remember the pictures of smiling families collecting their checks for their kids lives. Sadaam has murdered thousands of his own people, and tried to take both Iran and Kuwait.

    Unfortunately, your answer is full of hyperbole, and stock phrases. Luckily this perspective did not prevail in WWII or the earth may have been a very different place. There are times when people have to stand up and sacrifice for others. That is what our troops are doing (for Americans, Iraqis. Kurds). All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing. A far cry from 'peace protesters' grabbing a latte on their way to throw rocks (San Francisco) at police.


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