British Parliamentary Debate Done Brilliantly...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Orson, Feb 27, 2003.

  1. Orson

    Orson New Member

    SO reports The Times.
    (So unlike the US Senate, which manages to betray its history year after year.)
    I'm looking forward to catching some on America's C-Span.

    "Courtesy is the first victor of war"
    Westminster Sketch by Ben Macintyre

    "THE tension climbed, Parliament rose to the occasion, and the oratory soared into the gathering clouds. The debate on war with Iraq, perhaps the last chance to hear the collective voice of Parliament before this is drowned by gunfire, was extraordinary in its intensity and seriousness, the most emotive and stirring parliamentary event of this Government.

    "In place of the burping platitudes, the ritual carping and toadying, there was real passion, and profound foreboding. Few minds, I suspect, were changed, but the arguments were delivered with gravity and feeling, as every conscience was weighed out, word by deliberate word.",,2-592945,00.html

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