
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Gert Potgieter, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. This one is a little unusual: NEWS OF OTHER LIFE FORMS.

    • For the Harry Potter wanna-be, there still may be time before Halloween to get a Venefica or Veneficius witch's degree from the Hexenschule -- School of Witchcraft -- in Austria. The school's Web site says it was founded to explain "mystical and all other things related to witchcraft and wizardry by scientific methods (physics, chemistry, biology, psychology etc.)" School officials say it's not a religion -- no praying to gods -- and everything taught can be verified by books, papers or research in the nature sciences and psychology. Both regular witchcraft school and correspondence courses are offered and students must pass seven modules, along with writing a final paper.

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