1768 Diploma

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by drwetsch, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Here is a diploma pic of a 1768 Bachelor of Medicine degree from the Univ.of Pennsylvania. You will enjoy the Latin translation. Obvious times have changed as this diploma states that the degree recipient is a "well-equipped and talented Man" http://www.archives.upenn.edu/img/mscol/upp/tiltondiploma.html

  2. Vinipink

    Vinipink Accounting Monster

    The University of Puerto Rico, when you graduate, they give you a Diploma in Latin with the translation. This is done even today!
  3. Nosborne

    Nosborne New Member

    A friend's JD from Georgetown University is in Latin with a translation pasted on the back. What's funnier to me is that it says "Greetings in the Name of Our Lord" when he is Jewish...
    Nosborne, JD
  4. Broderick

    Broderick New Member

    Latin Diplomas

    One way to tell if a degree diploma from Harvard is real is that they all are in Latin, (this includes the Liberal Arts degree from the Extention School which offers DL).

    Although I do wonder about the diplomas from Harvard's certificate programs. I attened the Executive Leadership Program at the JFK School of Government, and it is in English, (it's much shorter and less expensive than the fellows programs). Are there any alumni from HBS or JFK who have attended the BIG fellows programs out there who could tell us about their diplomas? And if so, where did you come up with the twelve to twenty-six grand to pay for it? (The program I mean).


    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2002
  5. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Re: Latin Diplomas


    For a very brief stint the Harvard diploma was in English but it raised quite the controversy.


  6. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Yes, there are still many schools that award the Latin diploma. What I find interesting is the verbage of the attestations on the diploma. In comparison our modern diplomas seem a bit dry.

  7. Denver

    Denver Member

    I have an MPA (master of public administration) from the K-school at Harvard and my diploma is in English. I don’t know about the rest of the graduate schools – but I assume that most are probably in English too.

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