Boy Scout work for credit?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by David H. Wilson, Jun 29, 2002.

  1. David H. Wilson

    David H. Wilson New Member

    Has anybody received credit for work done in the B.S.A.?
    Mine would include:
    Scoutmaster 4 years
    Order of the Arrow ( as adult )
    Wood Badge
    Troop 203 Transatlantic Council, Hahn A.B. West Germany!


  2. irat

    irat New Member

    hillie is right again

    Hillie is right that there may be recreation, physical education, and naturesque courses.
    We have had a series of boy scout fundamental trainings which culminate in the Bachelors degree in scouting and the Master of Scouting degree in scouting, as awarded by the scout council. Sort of certificates for training.
    good luck in your efforts!
  3. EllisZ

    EllisZ Member

    I don't know the answer to your question, but it's nice to see someone else involved in scouts.

    - Eagle Scout
    - Order of the Arrow (Brotherhood)
    - SPL: 1985 World Jamboree
    - Philmont long trek
    - Assistant Scout Master (2 yrs.)

    - Team Leader (Scoutmaster) Explorer post (2 years)

    I'm not involved at the moment, but I'll get back into it as my boy gets older. (I'm REALLY looking forward to this ....)
  4. irat

    irat New Member

    scouting is sometimes fun

    Nice to see fellow boy scouts!
    Well, actually I was never a scout as a youth.
    I've been an Ast. Scoutmaster for about 12 years. plus tiger leader (once), wolf leader (twice), bear leader (twice) weblos (4 times). I was "trained" in weblos. But I'm only partically trained as an ast. scoutmaster. I've presented at four "pow wows".
    I wonder how a collection of merit badge accomplishments might add up in a portfolio. The theater merit badge requires many things. The three citizens merit badges taken together are a pretty good civics couse.
    Anyone every try to use specific merit badge accomplishments in a portfolio?
    The adult portion of scouts does have some things that relate directly to college level courses. The adult training on preventing child abuse was ok. But it only lasts 3 to 4 hours.
    All the best!

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