Ok, who dropped the ball?!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by DaveHayden, Jun 28, 2002.

  1. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    I see from the AED spammers post on Distancedegree.net that I am an official guru along with Gert, and Gus. When did this happen and who forgot to send me the official gold embossed certificate and decoder ring?! I have a place on the wall right next to ULC PhD. Ah, if only I were worthy of being grouped with Gert and Gus. Oh well, join me with a laugh anway. :)
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Wait a second....DegreeInfo records show that you were sent your guru certificate (boldly lettered with invisible ink on flash paper) by ethereal fax a few weeks ago. Are you trying to pull a fast one?!? :D

  3. Tony Schroeder

    Tony Schroeder New Member

    I desperately desire admission to this elite sphere, Official Gurudom, but I guess I need to attain at least Senior Member status first. :)

  4. irat

    irat New Member

    good or bad

    Since it is a spammer post that declares you a guru, I don't know if that is good or bad????
    Thank goodness the spammers want you and not me.
    I guess you must be doing something right to be so recognized.
    All the best!

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