Teen Waiter Discovers $20 Tip Is Actually A Bible Pamphlet In Disguise

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Abner, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    These have been around for decades. I actually thought this was an Onion article at first because it's so non-newsworthy.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    They pass these types of fake bills around downtown Hollywood all the time. I have never heard of them being used for tips though. :)
  4. RAM PhD

    RAM PhD Member

    I am a committed Christian and I believe every believer should share his/her faith in Christ as opportunities arise. That said, I would never leave one of these as a tip. In general, waiters/waitresses make a minimal hourly wage. Most of their income comes from tips. I never knew this until my daughter worked as a waitress (at age 17-18) in a local family restaurant. Many times, along with a generous tip, I've left my business card as an invitation to attend one of our worship services, or at times even a tract of some type. But again, I would never leave one disguised as money.
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Which is, in most areas not the minimum wage. In fact, most servers make $2.13 per hour, with the rest of their income coming from tips. (They're guaranteed the minimum wage if their tips don't rise up to that.) In other words, your tips are, quite literally, paying their salary. And, subsequently, easing the burden on the employer to pay his/her employees a competitive wage. Ain't capitalism--aided in this case by government--fun?

    If you don't want to tip your server 20% or more, then eat at establishments where tipping is not a part of the process. And if you want to leave some pamphlet advertising your faith (or hobby, or interest group, or whatever) instead of tipping, then you just took money away from someone who earned it. WWJD? Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's is my guess.

    Another thing on tipping: the reason there is a minimum service charge applied for groups is that there is a minimizing effect that occurs with multiple diners on the same check. Someone who wouldn't think much of tipping $10 on a $50 check will often freeze up when it's time to tip $100 on a $500 check. Servers often get stiffed in such situations. The person paying the check often has trouble forking over that much cash voluntarily.

    I'll be glad when/if we get over this tipping business. In the UK, they look at you strangely if you tip and they have no process for it. (You can still do it for outstanding service, but just a few pounds in most situations.) People are paid for their jobs there.
  6. jhp

    jhp Member

    "The average pay for a Waiter/Waitress is $5.01 per hour."
    Tipping starts at 15% for average service. Although there are those who tip more, mostly from Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles and D.C...
    Not giving =/= taking. The contract between the restaurant and customer is for the noted price, not the tip.
    "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's..." presuming you are referring to Matthew 22:21, is about authority or government such as taxes.

    Yes, I consistently tip. I never tip below two dollars. I never tip change (that is, I always leave the coin change + ). I make a clear distinction between bad food, and bad service.

    Wait staff jobs are not supposed to be a career choice for most.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Very well, then perhaps this:

    "I have the right to do anything," you say—but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. — 1 Corinthians 10:23-24
  8. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Exactly! I am a generous tipper as well. Those people work HARD. Apparently, the patron makes a habit of leaving those fake bills. Maybe he should eat fast food instead so he doesn't have to tip.
  9. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    Christians should be embarrassed. I had breakfast with another homeschool family/friends of ours. The dad is a pastor, I've known the mom forever. Lovely people. They picked up the tab, but left a tract INSTEAD of a tip, my husband and I put the cash on the table. That was our last meal out in public.

    Evangelizing is part of being an Evangelical Christian, that's expected. But INSTEAD? Really, not IN ADDITION TO?

    I rarely (never) quote scripture here, but "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Bible 101 (Acts 20:35)

    And for good measure, a Proverb "One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want."

    C'mon people- step it up.

    EDIT to add: ok, I just read the Inside Edition story- turns out this guy is a regular. Wow, I hope he has a good immune system. You don't think the servers and cooks know this guy? Ewww dude, you don't even want to know what they're doing to your food in the back.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2016
  10. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    fake bills and creepy little comic books depicting hell fire

    Just a funny side note. So in Hollywood, they hand out $100.00 fake bills. I guess because the cost of living is higher? Then, there is another store front church that hands out these creepy little comic books describing several different scenarios in which you will suffer eternal damnation. Very scary pictures I might add.

    One day I was walking along the boulevard, and this starry eyed girl hand me one of those little comic books. I usually just walk by and quickly say "no thank you". But on this particular day, I thought "maybe I should try to just talk to her and try to have a discussion". So, once I acknowledged her and took the comic book, things got weird VERY quickly. Before I could speak, she told me that accumulating anything material was a waste of time because the "rapture" was coming. She went on to say that it would be a glorious day in which "several busses would come down from heaven and take the believers back up to heaven". At that point, all it could think to say was "Wow, that's interesting! I have to go now because I have a doctors appointment". And that was that.

    I do not mean to besmirch Christianity in any way. Just thought I would share a story. I don't know if I would call myself a Christian, but as a boy I studied the bible and was even an altar boy. :smile:

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