Stephen Colbert offers fake doctorates

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    On Monday Sept 21, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert addressed the story of Axact and the fake degrees from Pakistan. Through his website (Stephen Colbert's Totally Legitimate Online PhD Program -, he offers a free PhD and a free PDF for the following seven institutions:
    Johns Hotpants University
    Mt. Holysmokes
    Skidmark College
    Stanford and Son (complete with Red Foxx logo)
    Princeton University
    University of Notre Damn
  2. RAM PhD

    RAM PhD Member

    Wonderful news, John! Comedy upon comedy.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I'm holding out for Hurford.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Dr. Bear,

    It is "Pranceton University"; otherwise Princeton University is going to sue Stephan Colbert. :deal:

    Tarvard University is alternative for Harvard University, Drown University for Brown University, or Colombia University for Columbia University. hahaha
  5. sideman

    sideman Well Known Member

    I'll take the one from "Pranceton". If you say it fast enough maybe no one will notice. :)
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    According to the site, it's actually "Prancetown," but who cares? This whole thing is one of Stephen Colbert's finest moments. I don't think any of these schools is going away any time soon. Nor should any! :smile:

  7. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    Crazy thing is that I printed out a "diploma" from the University of Notre Damn and took a picture with it to put on my facebook page. Lots of people were seriously congratulating me on getting my PhD, despite the fact that the diplomats have "Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on them. I can see now why so many people get fake degrees. Seems like a lot of people just don't pay attention.

  8. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Self included. I definitely typed "Prancetown" and the spell-messer-upper changed it to "Princeton" and I didn't notice.

    Often the combination of the Gothic or Fraktur typeface on diplomas, plus inattention, is beneficial to the bad guys. When we were having fun with the Millard Fillmore Institute forty years ago, we occasionally did titles like
    Doctor of Mathematatics
    Doctor of Psycholology

    and almost no one noticed.

    In the same vein . . . we once had a big bright red Land Rover (Series 2A, 109), which looked very much like an official vehicle. We had a contest among friends to come up with a sign to put on the rear door. We installed the winner,

    but after a police stop a few days later, we switched to the second place winner,
    And of course there's the famous
    .... PARIS.....
    ....IN THE...

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