honor society?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by cookderosa, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    I just received a letter that I qualify to submit an application for acceptance into Alpha Sigma Nu, my college's honor society. They have a long application and I need to submit a faculty letter, it's kind of a pain in the rear, so I was thinking about skipping it. But, then on second thought, only the top 15% of my graduation class are eligible to apply, which is an honor right? Of course, not everyone who applies will get in...which brings me back to it's kind of a pain in the rear - especially right now with my brain full of my research. I did it at TESC and besides a piece of paper, I've never thought about it another second of my life. Is it different for grad level? Any of you do this? :thinking:
  2. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

  3. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    Hummm....$40 per year. I don't like that. If I was chosen, it's a $65 one-time fee for a lifetime membership, which the FAQ says can be addressed if that imposes a financial hardship. Alpha Sigma Nu
  4. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    A huge number of college honor societies have been established, with varying degrees of value and recognition. Alpha Sigma Nu is actually one of the older and more reputable ones; it was established in 1915 as an alternative to Phi Beta Kappa, which supposedly discriminated against students from Catholic schools at that time.

    Alpha Sigma Nu isn't just for your school, it is basically the official honor society for all Jesuit schools in the US, including well-known universities like Georgetown, Boston College, Fordham, etc. So it has wider recognition in the Jesuit school community, and probably in the Catholic school community generally. if Jesuit education specifically is important to you, or if you think you might find yourself at another Jesuit (or other Catholic) school someday, then it might be a plus.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
  5. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    It's actually a $55 lifetime fee for APUS, but it only covers one year for the magazine.

    Pi Gamma Mu
  6. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    okay, thanks everyone. I'll give it some more thought.
  7. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Realistically, it's not going to help anyone get anything. It's just hoopla. There is probably a little bit more to it at B&M universities because of the face-to-face parties and interactions, but the online version is distant and does not develop long-term face-to-face relationships. Nonetheless, it's not necessarily a bad thing. I'll post it on my resume and then no one (probably) will ever notice it ever again and it will be lost in the annals of history.
  8. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    You're a college instructor by trade (by one of your trades).

    This is a real academic honor from a very real, legitimate honor society.

    Go for it.
  9. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    I would do it, you may choose to never use or advertise your membership....but maybe you will.

    Imagine a decade from now you want to apply to a Jesuit school for a plum teaching job, this "honors" recognition might look really nice on your resume, silly sort of thing that could make a real difference. And anyone who isn't in the know on Alpha Sigma Nu will just think your smart and belong to an honor society.

    $65 is cheap....just do it.
  10. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Just saw this thread...

    I'm a member of Alpha Sigma Nu. Regis University is a Jesuit school, like Carnisius College. It's been more than a decade since I applied and was accepted, so I don't remember many of the details. I can't even recall whether I paid a fee or not. I do remember writing a paper on how my community service was in-line with the honor society's philosophy of "in service to others."

    I received a nice acceptance letter, an official-looking diploma (for lack of a better term) that said I was a member (suitable for framing) and a spiffy-looking Alpha Sigma Nu pendant.

    I'm glad I became a member. I put it on resumes.
  11. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    Okay, you've all convinced me! I'm going to submit the application. Thanks :)
  12. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Really? I don't think you should. :wink:
  13. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    I GOT IT!!!! I received the email yesterday, my official letter will come postal mail. I'm very excited and they had some nice things to say about my application and essay. Thanks everyone for encouraging me to do it!
  14. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member



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