Bad week in the real world

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Maniac Craniac, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Some may say "same old, same old," but for me, this last week of terrorist activity came off as especially vicious and chillingly successful.

    Quick review for thise who may not be keeping score:

    -Over 70 dead in a seige on a popular mall in Nairobi, Kenya.

    -Millitants attack Indian police officers, kill 12.

    -3 huge bombs detroy buildings and kill, by my count from various articles, over 100.

    -Boko Haram strikes again, this time killing over 70 college students in their bed rooms.

    The massive gun violence is particularly shocking to me. It's probably logistically easier to grab a gun and just start shooting than to construct and carefully place a bomb. It's also more personal. They looked right at their victims, saw the fear in their eyes, splattered their blood and just kept going.

    For years, I've been expecting that to happen here. So far, we have had a number of lone wolf lunatics, but nothing huge since 9/11. The seige in Nairobi could easily happen in any mall or movie theatre here. Bunch a guns, bunch of nuts, death everywhere.

    Last observation here: THIS is a war that has no end. There is no Hitler to kill to topple the regime. There is no regime, only an idea that can not be killed in free societies. Anyone, anywhere can be inspired and add to the causeless cause. Even worse, they have no real aim. Even if they did get everything they demand, their version of a utopian society includes no peace for the people stuck living in it.

    ^^ Are the words of a real-life optimist. Swallow that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2013
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    There was a notable exception to this, but I agree in general it wasn't a good week in this regard.

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