The Other College Rankings

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Gus Sainz, May 1, 2002.

  1. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    An interesting article on a slightly different ranking methodology can be found here.

    ”What the numbers show is that when it comes to community service, the nation's best schools perform the worst. Of the top 20 liberal arts schools in the U.S. News & World Report college rankings, 70 percent fall below the national average for performing work-study service---also known as ‘serve-study.’ The top 20 universities do even worse; 75 percent trail the average.”
  2. Thanks, Gus. Very interesting. There's an emerging startup DL university that will require a community project as one of the core senior-level degree requirements for all undergraduate students. The idea is to to prevent distance undergrads from becoming too isolated, and to provide a way to connect students to their communities in a positive way.

    I'd be grateful for comments (or examples) of how this is being done in other DL universities.

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