Daylight Savings: Curse you Benjamin Franklin!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by SurfDoctor, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Couldn't get to sleep early enough last night, couldn't wake up early enough this morning, almost late to work, feeling groggy. I hate daylight savings time! Curse you Benjamin Franklin! :smile:
  2. perrymk

    perrymk Member

    If they moved the changing of the clocks for DST to 4pm Friday there would be far fewer complaints.
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I don't like waking up in the dark. It's just not natural.
  4. sumtuck

    sumtuck New Member

    I have a toddler - you can imagine how time changes go in this house. lol He actually adapts pretty quickly but normally the first day we all lose an hour or two of sleep because he is either going to bed late or getting up early. I am always jokingly say that whoever came up with this system was clearly not a parent. Or at least not the primary caregiver! ha
  5. sumtuck

    sumtuck New Member

    Ha! I wish there was a way to insert an image in this post. I tried using the URL button above but it didn't show. On my fb newsfeed this morning a picture popped up of a guy sleeping on a desk with papers scattered everywhere with the headline " Most people recover from deadly diseases better than I recover from daylight savings".

    Thought of you all.
  6. BlueMason

    BlueMason Audaces fortuna juvat

    I used to live in Saskatchwan - no DST! It was ideal.. no messing with the kids adjusting .. there just seems to be no sense in this day and age to follow that archaic tradition...

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Moving to Phoenix, you'll never have problem with that. lol. Recent study suggests that DST is more disadvantages than advantages. Benji wanted to save the bees' lives; but we don't use candles anymore. hahaha!

    U.S. Moves Clocks Forward Sunday (VIDEO)
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Post of the Week winner. Awesome.
  9. DxD=D^2

    DxD=D^2 Member

    Surprisingly, the hour change didn't faze me. I'm in the process of moving, and due to all the "hustle and bustle" of moving boxes and other heavy things, I my body was sore, tired, and exhausted on Saturday and Sunday night. However, when I fell asleep last-night, my body was just relieved, regardless of the minimal five hours I had. Normally I would be like a zombie, but I feel good.
  10. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Agreed. Loss of an hour of work would be a fair trade for disruption of our circadian rhythms.
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    But would it be a paid hour? I suspect graveyard shift employees working on an hourly wage don't often get paid for that hour. I'm sure they do, however, get paid the extra one they work when we switch back to standard time.

    The whole idea of DST is to move more of our daily activity into the sunlit part of the day. It later became an energy-saving effort. But that only works if you sleep through the dark. It was dark when we left for work at 7 am this morning, so I don't know that we saved any energy getting ready for work vs. being home afterwards.

    Golfers who try to get in 9 holes after work like it. But I understand bowlers don't care. Go figure.
  12. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I read that today is statistically the most dangerous day of the year to drive. Jet lagged drivers I suppose.

    DST absolutely kills my before work surfing. Before the time change there is about an hour and a half of daylight before work but, after the change, there is not enough time. I have to wait until the days lengthen a bit to even go before work. The long light evenings are nice though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2013

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